29 2 0
Dan and I perfected the art of procrastination, while tornado warnings did their radio-test rrrrn-rrrrn-rrrn groan on my Sony clock set. We imagined the trailing tails of these cork-screw clouds, dusting some outlying part of our sprawling city, lifting
1574 20 11
...you lick you ice cream, little pink tongue like a cat's, flick, flick... lick fast, girl, the heat's gonna melt it...
62 8 3
yet I never
want to go
without sense of
humor, or dumb hope
for the little white
218 0 0
Cracked windows, popsicles, Madonna videos, more of Jeff's corners
91 1 1
There is nothing to do here but exhume the dying.
1244 5 3
This is my secret source of income, you see....
611 0 0
It wasn't raining, and I wasn't in Paris. The moon wasn't out, and I couldn't see the city lights. It was a sunny Saturday, not too hot but hot enough, and I wondered if my bike would fall over …
976 1 1
Remain in repose, a little longer.
1092 4 3