Was it only for the vast dance of the darling soul, that you were born? Not to give up your genetics? Made for the use of the future, were you? I should have known. I heard the wind that swirled within you, even then, when we were so young.
You were
The Anarchy flag will not be removed from the balcony of 38 Marigold Court (hereon referred to as ‘Rebel Commune.’)
Precocious sex, ripe before its time. Seeing it at a distance and not looking away from it. The sound of the voice, saying, “Rise, become swollen, muscle and river!” Yes, I heard it. I was aware, in my time.
We had intercourse with mouth, face. And
JOE and LIS love baseball and attend a Dodger game.
Precious body, by so much choice swept away. Pulling out your will, god of my god whom I fear; I am afraid, a hundred, a thousand hearts I've crushed, ten thousand through my own fault, bent thoroughly, who were sensitive once, and expressive.
Flow do
The room was standard for a motel where the second hour was free with porn: slightly concave double bed, coin-operated TV and a bathroom.
Brenda sits in a room full of people who have simultaneously forgotten what it was they wanted to say.
I keep my exoskeletons in the closet. An odd thing to do, I know, but somehow I just can’t let that part of me go.
Hell, she was your little sister, your dream, your sainted whore, your mother and your ultimate desire.
Apparently we must endure them forever, the gods. My willingness to live among them, and love, with their high-pitched voices. To endure or be endured equally, each one of the Fates, each one of the high hearers stammering out the certainty of their lov
The barista with the fake rainbow nails and amazing cleft. . . .
All hearts share the same fears, pearl white, from the start. Sobbing away in the head, and capable of moral choice. The right to remain silent, cold, and exiled. We understand that bodies will return to their original sins, away from their innate quali
Snipers wear camouflage clothing to avoid being seen. It wouldn’t do for a sniper to be seen because then the sniper might become the snipee.
Allen would stroll the remains of the orchard, reminiscing with Tad, flirting with dementia.
And so, hail to you if you could reach up under my plum, lock and curl, with those frail lightning-like bones of mine, assenting to this now, it’s up to you to father the world, to wash in the great line of heaped-up generations, I say, hail to you, Riv