Oh, crap! Once you leave your body like that, why do you have to come back down to earth? That’s what I want to know. I remember you wearing English Leather aftershave. Anytime I catch a whiff of it now, it brings back some intense memories!
And I r
My son is on the field. My son is throwing a ball. My son is throwing a ball into a mitt. My husband is recording the number of times the ball is thrown. My husband is making little pie shapes in his book. He is making little marks.
I pull the door open to Starbucks and walk in. The line is long. Infinity of Ss. I stand there, think about my day, the clients I need to call, the ones who need to call me, pull out a mirror and check my makeup, touch up my hair. I stare at the glass case filled…
I saw God sobbing in a wheelchair. I saw God on the ceiling of your bedroom on Illinois Street while you were inside me the first time. (I remember so many things… Do you remember who I am yet?) I saw myself, far away in a window – the swan on earth
It was fun, until he started winning every time.
She drove me to radiation, to acupuncture and support group. She brewed me concoctions that smelled of twigs and dirt...
he knows that his wife knows. she can smell the adverbs on his tongue in the mornings. but he cannot get through another evening in that house without consonants.
His people eat soggy casseroles and smile with tight lips.
The seat I’m sitting in is barely big enough for someone half my size.
That new rain smell in your backyard, specifically I remember that, with you. And lying in the grass in a park with you on the 4th of July, maybe in Lombard, watching the blue/grey smoke of the fireworks drifting overhead after they went off, and the sm
A As the floss slides in and out I think of the guillotine. Her head on the chopping block. I'd be thinking what bill did I forget to pay. Who's e-mail didn't I return. Instead she was praying to some unforeseen deity. Before…
—That was harsh, said Jen as the bathroom door slammed behind Melanie. —Mel's my best friend, not yours. She needed to know that shade of blue doesn't go with olive skin. —Viv, you said she looked like a whore. —That's how our friendship…
You were there at the beginning almost, when I wanted to write about the dead spider I smashed on my bedroom wall, comparing it to the blue/grey smoke of the blown-off fireworks drifting overhead.
A thing like that will make you crazy, some kind of pinche loco, good for nothing, finally.
The loudest laughter came from Ryan’s father and Mrs. Fox who were doing something like dancing at the edge of the pool when, on purpose it seemed, both fell in, fully clothed. They emerged from the water laughing like it was the funniest thing in the wo