Stories tagged flash-fiction

Polyester Purgatory

16501650 views1919 comments99 favs

They line the bar beside me. Talking about themselves and estranged children, while rubbing necks and wrists, searching for the pulse.

the spirit inside my clothing

5555 views00 comments00 favs

I’ll tell you what happens after stories like this get loose. A small swift tongue darts out of the head lewdly, its promiscuous gender common in deception to its lovely buttocks, its brightness wild and fierce after its first talkative babbling. Th

Mountain Pose

15441544 views2323 comments1717 favs

Lying in the dewy grass in corpse pose, the stars of heaven above him, it was hard not to let worries take over his breath...

Things to do in Cleveland

9090 views3535 comments1313 favs

"Wasn't me. I was out of town."

The Right Time

8888 views33 comments33 favs

The barricades pierce her heart in a blind spot of hope undone. Like a dead bird in the air falling to the battlefield, between distorted faces and arms entangled in blood, forever fooled by a grand promise. Her voice breaks against children's laughter, a

Sparking a sneeze

208208 views66 comments44 favs

I asked her about it in the schoolyard, the rough white bandage covering the accident of her marriage, tapes cordoning off the scene of the crime. Two fingers held together, for better or worse, for sickness, for poorer, for a few weeks more…

savor the day

4949 views00 comments00 favs

Savor the day while it is there in your mouth, this was all I knew. Mouth, bone, face, while the tongue held its silent ability. And the body of he who enters me, host to the stranger, the guest who comes along with me, to laugh at the gods far above. O

The Death of Narcissus

2626 views44 comments22 favs

Aging nudists, sun-rumpled and shameless. Their display of flesh suggests it’s expendable, easily replaced.

Karmic Tide

13261326 views1010 comments44 favs

Digging in another garden, jumping into another space and time, I impaled a toad on the tines of a garden fork. At first I thought the toad was a clump of clay, stuck to the thick tine, but before I could kick the clay off with my…

the dreamer of eggs

969969 views22 comments11 fav

How much sucking, faithlessly, can there be? The body being a night thing off which steam rises, that attracts like a magnet or loadstone, whose curls attract, whose ringlets or tufts of touched hair between the legs glory up the nightly watched miracle,

Death Along the Jersey Rails

10761076 views44 comments00 favs

like old discarded snake skin, dry and coarse after the bite... immortally tortured by broken glass bottles.

running naked through your dreams

869869 views22 comments11 fav

How can you stop a man from running naked through your dreams? I want to know. This ought to be taught, somewhere. In schools, or somewhere. I could never stop you from doing what you wanted with me, and didn’t want to either. You had complete leave of

All the gaping mouths without a voice

13051305 views99 comments55 favs

"Mammy, why do they throw sand in our eyes?" a girl could be heard screaming from the 30-foot-deep ravine, Babi Yar.

let out of my cage

6363 views22 comments00 favs

I have been let out of my cage. And stand outside it now, seeing the whole together, visible, unbroken. My master, selector, chooser shining in the sun after being cleansed, purified. Grace walking the land, the earth, washed, suffering from nothing of


107107 views1111 comments77 favs

The same old, same old, woman, eh?