Stories tagged flash-fiction


14431443 views66 comments33 favs

I slide my hand under the sheets. It’s cool there. An impression. This is where she would be.

Keep a Lid on It

13901390 views44 comments44 favs

Eventually, all the windows on the street went dark, each small house cloaking its occupants in a world unto itself, soundproofed and emotionally remote.

hot earth

5151 views00 comments00 favs

To the land I am from, the earth, hail and good health, from the generation of twice-borne powerful bones. I have been at the borders of the soul, near the extremity of their pain and passion. I of the hot land and cold. I of the hot earth. A swarm, a m

No, You Don’t Know What I am Thinking

16041604 views99 comments55 favs

Scratch his eyes out, flashed through Edgar's head, scratch his eyes out.

Academic Story

3636 views11 comment00 favs

The bodies of the previous deans still dangle from the gallows.

Bacon and Eggs, 1977

424424 views5151 comments2020 favs

"Well, for starters, I know who you are."

women in labor

807807 views22 comments00 favs

I am like a spice in wind, warm and gentle on the face, a reminder of your youth, tried and true. Lick the trapped silk from my soul, is all I am saying, with your high language. Get the core out of me and turn it under your tongue. Why shouldn't the egg


247247 views11 comment11 fav

The ape masks are the tease of death for those children, riding high on their bicycles in a film burnt through the last half-century. We follow their games on the road: a blonde girl scratching her head at a shocked gardener, before the clash with a polic

the wicked daughter

13241324 views22 comments11 fav

The air has its dark confessional, and I have mine. Hot is called raw by some, hate mixed with malice for others. I am only separated by this dark window of time from you, but you never feared the lovely or the lonely.

Keep the Change

12901290 views22 comments22 favs

Jacob could tell it was a man he had just walked past, a broken man with an olive green Vietnam era military jacket, a man who had probably served his country as honorably as anyone chosen at lottery and forced to kill for a subsistence wage…

I, Mona Lisa

5656 views00 comments11 fav

People have been staring at me for over 500 years, and I’m exhausted. When everyone leaves, I get these four walls to myself.

Ghost Story

4242 views00 comments00 favs

He could have told us he’d died when we phoned half an hour ago, but no, he wanted to shock us.

The Need To Tell Somebody

12451245 views22 comments22 favs

He just had to tell somebody. Anybody. So he called up his publisher, L., who agreed to meet him at Oliveira’s for a drink. It only took about ten minutes to walk there from his big duplex in the Elmwood, where he was still living with his wife among

a nice girl is like powder

12481248 views33 comments33 favs

I remember mad strong words out of a teenager, fresh from the shower without a blouse: First! He will be my age, period! He will be the first to walk me to my room as my fear crashes to earth, final, considered. And I will be the first to milk the w

when you were here

4343 views00 comments00 favs

Summer covered the posterior with diamonds, and I remember we would breathe the bare stars, get up and walk down to the edge of the world to allure another god out of the brine, who had the itch to travel inside. We would rage, play violently, bathi