29 5 0
... What
Is this patriotism that permits no illusions except for those
Of the duped, lazy, mall-happy, fat-as-rhino people I call my own --
3122 62 53
Our flag-draped coffins float to the surface of an uncharted sea and we appear together—patriots both—on the cover of Life Magazine.
58 4 2
i should have fucked as much as i could and raised /
a hundred to be like my son, if all pacifists did that /
leaving the facists to kill each other
1466 13 3
As American as hotdogs and apple pie...
1534 6 5
Daniel told himself to push. -- push harder than he'd ever pushed himself before. He reminded himself of what his father once told him: don't give in to pain. Be a real man. You can take it.