5796 1 2
Madeleines, which he hadn’t touched in twelve years, had a place in all this, were accessories in his daughter’s violation.
1627 0 0
But, as his mind twisted like a square peg beating a hole into a round mallet, he sensed it had something to do with penguins. Not that he knew anything about penguins, at that point in time. That would come later, in his days, after this history, where h
213 2 0
My father was a writer and a great man, and his father was a writer,
as was the one before him, and he was a great writer, too.
58 0 0
Count the corners where one turns
from Artist to pragmatist,
and there – within that mist,
is a slain ghost waving its fists as all
the single dead cells past adolescence.
2834 45 29
He sat on a leather couch in the nude, blew smoke rings shaped like wild animals and picked verses out of the thick air.
149 9 4
He is fourteen and this is his first shave.
2 0 0
By the time his fortieth birthday rolled around it was inevitable. He continued to fight until the very end.
1275 0 0
It might not seem easy to breathe any love into a name like Father. It’s a stiff word—it’s not soft, like, say, Papa—but sometimes you have to breathe love into names you don’t choose.
1141 2 0
They were starting to get winded. The boy, his father and his little brother were hiking up a hill, cutting a diagonal path through hay-colored grass towards an outcrop of craggy boulders below the hill's summit.
718 23 17
He built her as a playwright crafts a scene. For a lifetime he balanced the trickle of his love, his thoughts, his hope... his self... into her ears, until she became his story. [419 words] (Explicit language).
1028 12 4
My mother walked out of a grocery store. My father drove up in a car, a fast car, silver, a car that goes vroom vroom.
1291 0 0
You would never see me the same again. You'd always be peaking at me from behind your mother's apron.
19 1 1
The old house smelled like copies of Life and Reader's Digest and Leica catalogs and my grandfather's nonfiction books.
45 7 3
It’s got four seats and a wheel and it’s faithful as hell, her father used to say.
62 8 0
His sons have never quite looked at Charlie the way they do now.