123 4 1
He looked Dad right in the eye and said, “I’m not afraid of him anymore, Dad! Watch!”
1010 4 2
Every day from my window I saw John Brigham's dog making its way across my field. The dog picked carefully through the shorn corn stubble taking the same route, I'm guessing, it took when the stalks made a shaded rustling forest. There is a narrow path…
85 6 3
The mother pushed the stroller through the gate, still looking for a familiar face. As she promenaded in her designer sneakers and capris, looking left and right, the baby banged his rattle on the stroller, laughing and smiling as each dog passed.
1171 4 4
Dear Conrad,
If you cannot control your dog’s barking I’ll rig up a loud speaker facing the general direction of your house, and every time your mutt starts howling at the moon, I’ll start playing “It’s a Small World (After All)” at top volume on the p
4 4 0
A monstrous black dog slumbers in the doorway, still as a volcano. I step around him. An old folk saying about sleeping dogs tickles my brain like a coyote yelping on a moonlit night. Strands of smoke curl into fluorescent gossamer in the neon glow and cast a…
1455 8 3
Sherry and I stand on the sidewalk on a sunny morning, watching her dog take a dump. She's new to the neighborhood and we've just introduced ourselves. The dog, a handsome poodle, does the deed efficiently. “See you later, Gloria!“ Sherry says…
1475 6 2
They stood at the intersection waiting for the light to change so they could cross the highway.
355 2 2
He smiled, and told me that he was given the animal after a long trip, by a friend of his. What a good gift, I thought, and he agreed that it was, in fact, quite a good present.
1363 9 7
The drip of rank meat, his muzzle, his back-barbed tongue: red.
1075 4 4
“What. Is. That?” Sid asked, staring at the shaggy ball of fur sitting in the living room. Its tongue hung out of its mouth and its tail beat against the carpet.“This is Ranger,” his mom said. “I don't know what breed he is, but he's a sweetie…
1060 3 2
Then I see her walking down the grass aisle: my assignment. She looks nothing like the image I have been trained with, but her identifier is strong.
1159 2 2
I recently discovered that the man I'd loved and trusted for twenty years had a secret girlfriend on the side for the past decade. We've parted ways and I'm trying to go on with my life. At about the same time, my friend Judy lost her beloved elderly dog after…
1362 7 6
Two weeks after All Souls’ Day, he trudges through the overgrown pasture behind the farmhouse, his head bent, intent on his footing, a shovel his walking stick.
1003 4 4
It was that special ache between heart and stomach that made me stop things. That ache that cannot be caused by the mere knowledge that you have steered your life into a completely wrong direction. To feel this pain, you also need to have no clue why and how it…