Stories tagged dog


107107 views00 comments00 favs

Abby sat on the slate floor of the strange kitchen and gagged: Mr. Titters's end had precipitated a surge of diarrhea—frothy, moist, and impossible to expunge entirely from the white carpet, as if he had became an icing tube in…

That'd Kill Ol' Bob

9494 views88 comments22 favs

I step over a big black dog that's sprawled, fast asleep, across the doorway. “Best to let sleeping dogs lie,” I think, but the snoring dog doesn't budge. Clouds of tobacco smoke hang in the air and mix with the glow from neon bar signs, illuminating the …

There's No Place Like Home

277277 views5656 comments2121 favs

That's gross.

Ten Notes to the Guy Studying Jujitsu

229229 views4848 comments2020 favs

My neck hurt for a week.


13271327 views44 comments00 favs

I’m not the creative type like my friend Bosely, an Irish Setter. I’m a traditionalist. I like to eat exactly at 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. I take my bone with me everywhere I go. I will not carry the poop-bag.

A dog's nose

1919 views00 comments00 favs

I'd dreamed it continually. Running through corn, corn still in ears, still on the stalk. And each time I'd wake, I'd have the oddest feeling that it wasn't that simple. The running wasn't normal running, it was different. There was the distinct sense

The Dog's Familiar

968968 views00 comments00 favs

The county sent two crews, one to get Mr. Meyers, the old shut-in, tall and affable, but quiet and bent, like a crooked coat rack with a porkpie atop, the other for his dog, an english setter whom he shadowed like a familiar. I say he was the familiar and

THE MOON, THE SUN, AND RYAN W. BRADLEY (not quite a fortune-telling)

12021202 views33 comments11 fav

“That’s just Ryan W. Bradley—son of a bitch knows better by now.”

Black & White/ Color

21892189 views9898 comments3333 favs

We had them in our bunk beds in the trailer, before Becky fell and broke her neck.

Let's Walk This Dog

11721172 views22 comments11 fav

if you don't quiver with anticipation you'll barely manage to explode

The Dog

9393 views77 comments11 fav

Carl finished his beer, burped, crushed the aluminum can on the floor with his foot. “Oop, now we’re outta beer.” “Alright, let’s send the dog.” They did. They sent the dog. The first time Luther trotted down the sidewalk. The next time, Henry let t

Don't Wash, Don't Tell

14631463 views77 comments66 favs

Butch the Labradoodle sets some necessary boundaries.


317317 views4444 comments1313 favs

One of the founders of the site has a German shepherd dog named "Fritz Lang".

Tumultuous Cracker

986986 views33 comments11 fav

The whole scene smells like paranoia.

My Dog Was Wrong About You

14161416 views22 comments33 favs

When it was time to leave, she lingered beside you, bidding you to come again. I flicked my cat, dog tail, indifferent. She wanted to lick your cheek.