2383 12 13
My father brought home a turquoise Porsche with red leather upholstery. My sister and I were small, eight and six, and fit tightly in the jumpseats behind my parents.We went for a ride, tooled around Rome, circled the Colosseum, showing off for the people looking. My father…
53 6 2
Two writers sat down for a meal, carefully avoiding any talk of their art.
1326 2 2
1270 6 2
After she died, clearing out her safe deposit box at the local bank, I found more numberplates.
1486 1 1
Pushing his jeans down around his ankles, he knelt, and pressed his moist dipstick against my hole. “Do you always do this on a first date?” he said
66 2 2
She was intimately acquainted with automobiles having boffed a number of dealers, mostly purveyors of high end-marques. They seemed to have better technique than Chevy and Ford people.
196 3 0
We wish for Santa, we celebrate the birth of Christ, but no one would ever expect that the happy Buddha would come to celebrate Christmas Eve. Papa had been given this designated title for…
6 4 0
We do not want to be here. Need ensnares/
and pulls us. We put on its tightened face/
which mirrors that each guest will wear
93 12 7
The girl loved the car for all the reasons her mother didn’t.
1099 2 2
Next to you, the mother tightens her grip on her stroller. The young teenager tears her gaze from her mobile phone for an instant.
514 2 1
“You know this is your death car.”