There are certain items in the sink that are giving me an anxious feeling in my stomach.
And don’t you dare start panicking. Just sit there silently, letting the truth that you’re alone sear the back of your neck until it starts to feel cold.
As a child I drowned myself in the pages of books, and as a writer I prefer to be left alone with my imagination.
You need buttered broths and to
copy old writings by hand by
very poor light.
At some point, we will have to shoot them/
through the eyes and skull and heart
Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.
So she set about eliminating the problem, all the time recalling some newsmagazine program she’d seen as a child: a discussion of hantavirus, nasty and deadly and spread by mice.
It was that special ache between heart and stomach that made me stop things. That ache that cannot be caused by the mere knowledge that you have steered your life into a completely wrong direction. To feel this pain, you also need to have no clue why and how it…
It’s good to have some,
Extra weight -
Something they can
Grab on to,
In the sheets,
When it’s late-