300 23 10
30 1 1
I feel invincible running stop signs on my bicycle, never wearing a helmet. Sometimes when I walk I think about my kneecaps and they start to feel like they’re hinging in the wrong direction and my legs seize up.
1146 0 0
That was what I said, let's go before it starts raining again. I stand at the window, staring at the downpour outside. Since then the sun has gone down a precise one thousand four hundred and sixty one times.
1163 12 4
I was more annoyed at the scream, the icy air around us and our eventual destination–his parents, the club, small talk, all that drunken insignia.
1215 7 1
Scales were installed on station platforms. Those who were overweight were turned away
1194 7 6
In the panic following news of my motorcycle crash, my honey fled the house without coat or wallet, and now, nearly midnight, we don’t even have cab fare home.
659 5 2
It’s no surprise when Mark comes home drunk, nor is it unexpected when he grabs me roughly by the arm and slaps my face because I didn’t have dinner waiting for him. The difference is that this night tears spring to my darkened eyes and slide down my swol
34 2 0
"Oh jeez," I say, "and we were having so much fun."
1071 0 0
“You shouldn’t have gone inside,” he said, after she told him what had happened. “I know that’s what you’re used to doing here, with people we know. But he’s not from around here. Don’t go back over there, okay?”
47 1 0
You stared at that girl, breathing in that sour milk smell knowing that was how you smelled too. Your clothes smelling of grilled cheese and bacon with a tasty whiff of Marlboros on top. What you wanted to see in that girl was friendship but what you saw
291 10 3
I stared at the Clockwork Orange poster and thought about the knife that Alex held. I imagined it being used to cut out the thing that might be inside her. That’s all I saw whenever I looked anywhere. Things that related to our catastrophe.
1395 20 11
We invent our beauties//
as we find them and engineer/
our horrors