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Boba Fett Blues

17921792 views11 comment11 fav

So you want to know my earliest realization that I was just another boob consumer? Trace it back to my Star Wars Action figure days. Fish out the collapsible C3PO from a war-torn pile of crummy Jawas and Storm Troopers, no they're all out of Snaggletooth

Ricky's Condition

12091209 views22 comments00 favs

At first it was just holding hands and talking about Ricky's condition. Then it was leaning into each other on the sofa, Ben whispering my name into my hair, me wanting to put my hand on his thigh.

Beach Bird Bliss

858858 views44 comments11 fav

This day, oh, this day… shoved joy and gratitude in my face, then tossed in beauty and just a touch of grace. A Piping Plover set my sorrows by the side, nabbing morsels when it could, then racing from the tide. Junior Eagle perched…


845845 views22 comments11 fav

In the tang of winter warm and summer cool,

Elusive Ideas in a Pineapple Under the Sea

966966 views33 comments11 fav

I cannot find my way back to the bubbling navel of the universe because of Spongebob Squarepants.

The Choice

803803 views22 comments22 favs

The bull had flesh of a deep red that turned black where the massive muscles knotted. Colt thought of the way blood turns black when it pools too deep. There was nothing but muscle, an intricate network of coarse fibers woven tightly and wrapped in a thin


10201020 views44 comments11 fav

On such warm nights when wet sex happens suddenly, please, remember the amaryllis. How they’ll push up out of the ground in August after the first real heat opens the air. I too was born in such weather. Balmy nights when heat lightning beats in the


11481148 views22 comments11 fav

Fleas were a constant reminder that humans are food.

Finnegan teoriza la practica de cuerdas

20132013 views33 comments11 fav

Canta el Hombre...canta una canción que guarda una llamada. Está invitando a Dios a venir. Mas cuando canta una canción que guarda el recuerdo de un camino hacia una casa sin muros ni cercado, cuando cada vibración actúa como un minúsculo paso hacia ese hogar sin…

The Men Who Forgot Math and Poetry

13571357 views22 comments11 fav

"They treat us like shit," the mathematician said. "They think they can just take us and electrocute us and drown us."

Key Cutting

807807 views11 comment11 fav

City cars packed with eyes

What Old Tamber Had to Say

11451145 views22 comments11 fav

“They say she lives alone out there.” “What, like out in the woods?” “Not like way back in a cabin or anything, but in a little house out there off the road. I'm not even sure she has a car.” “What, does she…


10451045 views22 comments22 favs

“What does it feel like to run, Thomas?” I yelled across the field. Thomas was so fast. I would never catch up to him. Even if I could run. He was so fast. …


14631463 views22 comments11 fav

“Your brain, your brain tries to make sense of things like this, specially life-threatening weird shit, so in my mind the grass was on fire and driving out swarms of invisible bees that were stinging us to death. Invisible killer bees. You don’t shoot be

Can't You Tell When I Get Lonely?

11831183 views33 comments11 fav

“Can't you tell when I get lonely?”, she asks. “No”, I say. It gets awkward because she wants me to know when she gets lonely. I don't give her the attention she wants without realizing it. She moves away and stares at me for…

The Long Fuse

14171417 views11 comment11 fav

I have heard the very people who make me talk as if explosiveness is something to flee. And I agree. If you are not designed to destroy, you should stay far away with me. I was packed with the desire to fall apart with force and take whatever stands near me with me. It is…

Smart Bar

12511251 views33 comments11 fav

Everything is painted black that isn’t glass, velvet, neon, or chrome. The club is cold, and the DJ who broke-up with me while I forgot I was stoned is spinning his favorites to an empty floor. Endings have a rhythm. I heard this one coming. I can hear it

Pahk Your Kahma in Hahvahd Yahd

863863 views44 comments11 fav

“Namaste,” I say as I hand the guy his ticket. “The divinity within me salutes the divinity within you. Have a nice freaking day.”

Before the Fall (Pt. 2)

11071107 views33 comments11 fav

Newsome glared at the sleeping woman, slumped over the edge of the hard, metal table, her head settled comfortably into the crook of her arm. Over an hour she's been in that position, he thought. Despite the harshness of the room, the fluorescent lights,…


10791079 views11 comment11 fav

When flash and bang merge you are, according to the manual, in deep do-do.

Spare Tire

880880 views11 comment11 fav

'What now!' he thought, like a goddamn idiot, chiding himself like a fool giving himself a slap upside the head. 'Last thing I need is a shootout!'

The Year in Blogging: More Than Just Sonny Tufts

720720 views22 comments11 fav

1,919 followers in 105 countries come to this site every day looking for breaking news on the number of white kittens promoters are required to provide Mariah Carey at each concert.

The Solace of Olives

613613 views55 comments00 favs

Alone in Eugene, / I sought out / the solace of olives

The Arrival

11531153 views22 comments11 fav

Everybody knew it would happen. It didn’t happen exactly when or how they thought it would, but nonetheless it happened. “I told you it would happen,” a bearded man told his wife.

Phil's Last Stand

13221322 views11 comment22 favs

Phil was scared. Not of his own shadow, but of the three men from ConAgra who'd dropped a duffel bag of green outside his den the week before.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 73

872872 views22 comments11 fav

The pawnbroker sat behind bulletproof glass at the rear of the display area, a veritable potentate of hope and cash, exchanging expendable items for derisory cash.

And then we... Part 3

857857 views33 comments11 fav

Well, Bainz' dad didn't kill us for stealing his bomb because one of the drug addicts at my house was a cop. At least he said he was a cop, or knew a cop, or had something to do with the cops. I don't know for sure. I know he didn't look like a cop, at least he …

Grandma Rose Watched the Fights

966966 views22 comments11 fav

I think she later thought about that. Just as she loved her son, I loved my mother. Just as my dad loved her, so the same kind of protective honoring love existed. Right or wrong, it was there, the elephant in the room.


885885 views66 comments00 favs

We may not be capable of even trying to appreciate the fact of mortality until we are somewhat older—let's say 18 years old. But, from the age of 18 until we die—and die we will; we know that—we have the opportunity to spend some time thinking abou

The Amazing Adventures of Macro-Microbe

857857 views22 comments11 fav

Macro-Microbe parked his car and proceeded on foot, which was a misnomer because he had no feet. Typical for Manhattan, no one gave him a second glance except for a homeless woman who tried to sell him hand-sanitizer. Macro-Microbe locomoted himself insid