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Frankenstein's Monster Eats the Brains of Virgins at the Witches' Chainsaw Orgy Massacre

970970 views55 comments22 favs

If Heaven holds forth its own Infinity, What of selves, of ours, could we stand to see? Cradled with harsh fangs of Memory, Deep forgetfulness, give rather me- Let bright dreams be our self's divinity: Forever holds, in morrow's hours, such little…

Fourth World

969969 views22 comments11 fav

Where are you going, boy who never was?

Some Things I Have Learned As A Writer

969969 views11 comment11 fav

1. Poor grammar does not sleep. 2. We'll never finish every idea we have. 3. No matter how hard you try, you still might make it into my book

A toast to politicians

969969 views00 comments00 favs

To politicians who think things will stop, When they finally let slip and drop - this government of ours we call The ultimate power of them all.

My nose

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When I was 14 I accidentally heard a woman saying behind my back

Things Unspoken

969969 views11 comment11 fav

There's something about the way he touches me every time that makes my heart skip a beat and pushes the air from my throat. I shiver under his hot breath while he whispers softly and pulls himself closer, letting his fingers glide…

Men's Hair circa 2000

969969 views33 comments11 fav

When Beez and I were visiting D.C., Beez saw MDW after many years and said, almost so that MDW could hear him if he wished, “His hair looks like Beethoven’s.”

My Back Hurts

969969 views11 comment11 fav

There’s a room Full of white And it smells Like bleach and Iron

George Burnett's Secret

969969 views11 comment11 fav

He roared back at her, shaking his empty gun in his right hand, waving his left hand in the air. “I am George Burnett, esquire, late of Balliol College, Oxford! I am a hunter, a killer of pigs! I do not fear you, bear; take the pig and be content!”


969969 views88 comments66 favs

under a laughing moon

At the Balcony

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I was setting up a mattress and a lamp in the balcony of my house because a boy, G., told me he was coming to fuck me.

Minnie Mouse Meets Mickey at a Convention of Phrenologists

969969 views33 comments22 favs

A parody of John Ashbery I have been preconditioned likewise by the ligatures of the roof. It has bypassed even the lightning. When I started this essay I (poetics equalling dissemination, like a toilet plug) admired, and I in the book produced…

The Master of the Air

969969 views88 comments44 favs

He thought of it as magic, but magic that he understood, the way a magician knows about the hidden compartments in his hat and trunks.

assemblage x + 1

969969 views99 comments66 favs

so here we all are/ deep in debt

The Street Singer

969969 views1818 comments99 favs

The Street singer gathers up his coins and counts to a hundred before The last string stops vibrating


969969 views44 comments22 favs

A sizzling as skin and sinew melt, fall away. "Scream if you need to scream, child." And I scream, and her song gains strength. The warmth of her around me. It is time.

Fixing Fence

969969 views22 comments00 favs

The sun is coming up and the work day has already begun.

First Lesson (Mother Tongue Series)

969969 views33 comments11 fav

I used to see kids at the mall with those extendable "kid leashes". Like the ones made for chihuahuas. Like the ones made to squash a good story, you know...

Philip and Gene

969969 views88 comments33 favs

Our lives are lived backward in memory...

No Fat Chicks

969969 views44 comments11 fav

I have to look closely to be sure But they are there Bold stickers on three sides of the truck's cab Porcine cartoons Cutely admonishing No fat chicks! I am enraged Who does this guy think he is? This contractor's helper who makes …

El Dia de los Muertos

969969 views1414 comments1111 favs

They wear their bodies recklessly, these cempazuchitl,
 these flowers of the dead.

Blind date

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“I'll have the Ribeye cooked medium rare,” says Bill, who looks over at Julia, blonde hair and disarming smile, and he thinks that she's not bad for a blind date. He doesn't like the way she butters her roll, however, and it agitates him that she spreads…


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Rain pours down in a world transformedthrough thunder. The storm rages, night takes on a weight, and everyone hides, most from habit, some from fear. She stands there, soaked and beautiful, responding to the…

Trailer Park T'ai Chi Brings Wisdom of Orient to Midwest

968968 views44 comments22 favs

He adopts a stance known as Part the Wild Horse’s Mane but calls it a different name--the Part the Hair of the Skanky Barmaid for a Bleachjob position.

Action she feels as folly, I respond

968968 views88 comments66 favs

Once a friend asked me to write about rape in an email, so I wrote that it is a weapon of war that would not work here because partners do not give in to it; in fact, they would say it is infidelity in relationships.

Pageant Night

968968 views22 comments22 favs

All the baby monsters are being born on stage.

Memoir 2.0

968968 views33 comments33 favs

His friend Boner, who was more accurately a friend of Milo, who was a friend of his cousin in Dubai and who had, up until this post, seemed to share thoughts in common with him, posted, “Holy Shit, Dude! What’re You On?”

Assiduity Twenty Six

968968 views22 comments22 favs

Uzma and Luv are . . .

Sarah Nell

968968 views1616 comments33 favs

There are two, though, that stayed for more than just a little while: Marvin and Oscar. Marvin was married and that's all I have to say about that. Oscar wasn't and it seemed as though he wasn't planning on getting married either. What a petty man he was.

What I Saw in Mexico

968968 views99 comments55 favs

"I wanted to see cities whose names sounded like sad sighs...Oaxaca, Guanajuato, Reynosa, Camargo..."