Motivation always needs to come from somewhere. For some all it takes is a sunny day, a smile from a stranger or a simple pat on the back. Others demand a fire lit, a carrot dangled or a whip cracked. Yet here the sun had set, the fire extinguished and th
just before my break,/ he came on the line,/ old and slow with computers now/ but wanting a discount/ he'd been told he qualified for.
You drank Frozen Screwdrivers at 11 a.m. on a Tuesday. You ate Taco Boy nachos on a Wednesday around 3 p.m. You made out with your girlfriend after biking along Rainbow Row on a Thursday at 4:45 p.m. It will be fine.
Some of them are notorious tweakers. Nobody epitomizes the cowboy-outlaw biker more than the ironworkers, who are wired on Black Beauties they sell on breaks.
Miranda Cherry laughed, then the cream of the retail industry laughed.
["Hi, I'm Don Pardo. Welcome to tonight's event. Children may want to cover their eyes ... but adults will have THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES!"]
One does not open before the other closes,
bolts shut.
he wanders the house/ crying for the hairless tomcat/ (gone for the night/ on an overnight job).
some days you wake up/ to feel horror/ wrapped beneath your blanket./
I suggested the hospital was haunted. He thought about it. Maybe. There were a lot of electrical outlets, he said.
Billy fell into a bottle, and we couldn't get him out.
It's 2am. The wind is moving at speed, whipping gently the tree branches, and their leaves rustle simultaneously to create a audible sound, like hands flipping through sheets of paper, or that feeling you get on your fingertips when going across a textured surface. I'm…
And she's dying like someone who's tried living and failed.
We are a city of overworked workers.