3438 22 14
I used to score girls by taking them on a ride past Frauenstein, up on a hill where you could see the trees, the whole lot of them sparkling white and pink in the breeze.
49 8 1
We have every kind of tree – and I have climbed them all. Except for White Birch.
1237 5 0
Besides, that might have been the area of his birth, and if so, Jacob was now the director, priest, pallbearer, driver, and custodian of a hometown funeral
65 11 5
Effluvium is such a lovely word so hey surprise to find it covers rancid butter, vomit, fertile gingko fruit trekked in from the pavement, the tree brought first to Philly and admired for its toughness.
1509 1 1
Jonas Griffin stared out the bay window as he drank his morning cup, his eyes gleaming with something between wistfulness and disdain at Reynold who sat patiently in the adjacent yard, leaning against the majestic oak tree that towered in its hundred year
1333 3 3
In a corner of a neighbor’s land too stony to till Cob makes a mystery.
147 7 5
...a farmer in coastal California drives by a dead Cooper’s hawk, and says to himself, “Well, I’ll come back for the hawk later. I can hang it in the fruit trees to keep other animals away.” The weight of an avocado is too much to bear, and the smooth gre
1268 0 0
I found him dead underneath a sycamore tree. I knew it was a sycamore tree because of all the acorns surrounding the body.
1899 40 22
You have arrived at the river, numb with the murmur of the city and the sleeplessness of anger, boredom, and too many people loving too many people too much. The heat in this night, not the moon as in ancient poems, is blazing; the moon is pink like the…
116 11 6
As brave as a deciduous tree in winter, /
with only its trembling to give, I live. /
Leaves, ordinary, thin, brown, die;
dying, enrich the earth; I?
1710 8 7
Whenever talk dies, or darkness gathers too closely around the breakfast table, everyone knows the list of ritual activities we can brightly suggest to skip the day forward.
1282 4 2
He had thought of the walk down to Mrs Greensmith’s shop when he and all the men beside him reckoned they’d “had it” that time when II SS Panzer-Division had fought like gods for Hill 212.
1007 0 0
Gaston could remember the first time he set eyes on Deno. He'd gone into the back of the house to enquire after a lost order and found himself face to face with the dish washer, a man in his late 20s, dual heritage, tall, staring eyes and dangling useless hands. The…
107 19 15
Six of them pecked and scratched/
something at their center/
in the middle of Virginia’s lawn—
733 0 0
Uproot everything, a muddy hole when done