934 3 3
I tried summer with my eyes closed.I tried it tied, bound tight as a bundleI carried on my head, in my teethI clamped summer until it squirmed.I wore it tied behind myself like a bow;I placed it like a rose in my teeth;I stood in its circle of lightAnd waited for…
2538 8 4
We're on a bench in the park under some trees close to the carousel when she tells me I can't count on having a career as a professional gambler.
1592 11 3
That summer crawled with them, insects of every denomination: cicadas caught by the cat, wingless, came to rest in the roots of the garden we planted; sudden swarms of dragonflies...
2 0 0
Slipping past the jars of bubblegum and jaw breakers, I walked to the back of the store to the coolers for a soda. The wet swimming trunks under my tough-skin jeans had made a damp half moon on my rear end. I stuck my hand deep in my pockets. I…
205 22 8
The only reason why Paddy talked to me at all was because I quoted from Ulysses. The sea, the snotgreen sea, the scrotumtightening sea! I shouted as I shucked oysters for the dinner rush.
1081 5 3
“I miss you,” I say. I don’t mean to; the words just tumble off my tongue, like pearls slipping off a broken necklace then spilling across the floor, a few caroming underneath the furniture.
52 6 1
Henry demands that his youngest son get a summer job instead. It’ll be good for him, keep him home, STD-free.
29 2 0
Dan and I perfected the art of procrastination, while tornado warnings did their radio-test rrrrn-rrrrn-rrrn groan on my Sony clock set. We imagined the trailing tails of these cork-screw clouds, dusting some outlying part of our sprawling city, lifting
110 28 17
My sister says to me, “Put your finger there.” I look at my wrinkled finger and lick the tip. It tastes fresh. My sister says, “Put it there now.”
163 18 15
The four wore summer frocks and sandals
1536 3 1
Sure, it was a hot day, but the driver was in the middle of a driving lesson!
1287 0 0
... all my friends are girls; I like opera; I can answer all the questions about male and female ejaculation – without stammering – in sex ed. classes.
And Braydon? In boardshorts, tall and tanned and naked from the waist up ...
65 0 0
The big yellow arrow on the Never Lost pulled us toward a penny-shaped disc, our destination, an intersection, a crossroads, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. We pulled down the road; past two home hair salons and a house with the garage door half-open;
1073 0 0
The ice in Mum’s drink clinked as she rolled the glass across her forehead. “Ith that a gay thing or ith that a vampire thing? ’Coth I’m finding thith all a bit confuthing.”
1249 2 0
Left, I see parkland and cyclists and sun. Right: picnic blankets, naked men and lunchtime assignations.