2276 5 2
I unzip him out of skin. Find what is dark and black inside. Mistake jutting spine for zipper grooves.
1633 0 0
I am warming up the Hotel Hugo courtesy shuttle van when Victor the front desk manager comes striding out waving his arms asking me why I haven't backed up yet. Victor says I'm always in my own world when I should be paying attention to the work at hand,
130 12 6
I'm looking to go out this Saturday, just this one night, and have a good time because I'm normally a good girl.
1305 4 1
My ride, my good friend Morning was due any minute, but of course, he/she was always late. My costume was a dog. I was stuck to another dog, in the act of passion. A stuffed one. A basset hound. I said my name was Lightning.
1341 3 3
In a corner of a neighbor’s land too stony to till Cob makes a mystery.
2372 0 0
In which Clint is sucked into a remarkably civilised but mildly deranged crime scene. There he encounters almost-blackmail, not-actually prostitution, probable-sex scandals, genuine-imposters & the very real theft of something incredibly important. Twice.
345 1 1
we must be quiet at the library. the librarian has told us to shh like a million times now.
365 3 1
jesus wants us to save the whales but i dont
really care about the whales anymore. they are all alone.
1004 0 0
The moon bulges with meticulous sick amber fire while first night’s chest heaves and sputters free infantine monstrosity from plague-wormed hovels, din mold choked grottos, and stale metal-cast labyrinth catacombs.
74 0 0
“Sorry to disturb you Mr. Crass but it is I, Fredrick come from Sir Yainsnit. I have a letter here for you from his namesake he handed me not more than one hour ago...”
944 0 0
When the lore of the land could no longer hold the minds of men, they turned their eyes to places where they expected to find no other gaze.
1178 5 2
“I would like to keep my head, at least for a few more nights. Didn't you say we were gonna have sex one of these days? Isn't that in the manual?”
1178 3 3
For me, it was that kind of moment. I got to come back. I had been here before and now, well now, I could come back. I had a chance to do it all again, bigger, better and well, just better. I hoped I could remember all that I learned the first time.
1393 4 3
Some fiftysomething woman with a small dog in her arms was waiting for him, backstage. Security hadn't succeeded in restraining her. Strange.