The wind was rushing through the island like a comb gliding through thick, and dense hair.A dark flash striking the ocean with amazing speed. The ocean was fighting within itself. The waves pushed and pulled, creating white caps that went past the city.
I wish I could paint. I would show you high clays walls, bleached and blasted faces once a rich yellow but muted now by the years, standing silent in the night underneath dream-form shadows floating across the azure sea that stretches overhead. Cracks like junkies…
He went to sleep that night with one thought. He said it aloud, to make sure the island heard as well. Cuddled into his tarp and weeds, he whispered, "When you need me, I'll be ready."
Motivation always needs to come from somewhere. For some all it takes is a sunny day, a smile from a stranger or a simple pat on the back. Others demand a fire lit, a carrot dangled or a whip cracked. Yet here the sun had set, the fire extinguished and th
He was already up before the sun could cast the usual large, black blanket over the island’s tropical trees and paint pictures within its jungle. By now, the helicopters were already in landing position. Bullets and plasma shots were being sent back and f
He was hauled in on a white cloth, pulled up by four men on each corner. Killzone wondered why the cloth was white. It made it too obvious he was bleeding. He didn't want his men to see his wounds. None of them. But, even heroes bleed. He was zoning in and out of…
“I wanted coffee, not art. That’s why I came here, and the coffee here isn’t even that good. We should have gone to the place across town, their lattes are the best.”
“How do you determine the best coffee? Do you think they have judges that go from sto
I’ll sit up
all night,
I don’t mind.
I don’t have to
Go to work,
Wake up early.
I’ll sit up
all night,
I don’t mind.
I don’t have to
Go to work,
Wake up early.
What if
I have been doing
Hasn’t been heard
By anyone?
It’s just another
Day where I feel tired, but I
Don’t know why it’s so.
I’m starting to feel more interested in my savings account.
The rain is filling up my shoes,
I can’t see
through my glasses,
Rain all inside me.