Stories tagged short-story

Like Jeremy Irons

14101410 views33 comments22 favs

Usually, you shop around carefully before condescending to see a new doctor, but this time you go to the first gynecologist who would have you, who has time available. Usually, you refuse to see a male doctor (you hate having male doctors!) but this time,

Favorite Child

273273 views33 comments00 favs

It was in the early sixties when my mother discovered she was my father’s second wife. Four years before, they were married quickly, by a justice of the peace, because his transfer to the States had come through. He’d charmed her with his dark chocolate e

So Comes Love

12461246 views33 comments22 favs

Her students read their work aloud in class, haltingly, sometimes proudly, and their willingness amazed Miriam. They were immigrants and retirees, carpenters, security guards, Indian nannies, Iranian escapees. She loved their odd word choices, the lack of editorial impulse.…

White Walls

1717 views00 comments00 favs

Last I knew she was seeing a boy named Evan. Last I knew the only time she really spoke to me was to ask a question about homework or if I had a pen she could borrow. I always kept extra pens handy. I haven't even seen her since school ended, so I don't…


10691069 views22 comments11 fav

He and she are fucking while I watch. She's moaning deep desire and he's pounding flesh into flesh. I'm fully clothed, eyes attune to their fornication, studying. He comes inside of her; their bodies stiffen and then wriggle against one another. …


219219 views00 comments00 favs

Natasha's fears got the best of her at this point. Her face is flushed from anticipation and the hair on her arms stands at attention. She climbs up the stairs as if she is hiking up a steep mountain, hugging each rail like tree trunks for support. Sweat…

Far Star Girl

12751275 views88 comments33 favs

She thought maybe an angel had called out her name. She wasn't sure. She was waiting for her older sister to return with Jujy Fruits and bonbons. The theater, neither light nor dark, was to Cassie's ten-year-old mind, an appropriate-enough setting for a v

Birds of Prayer: 2/8 The Chicken Killer From Brooklyn and his Satchel of Death

7878 views99 comments44 favs

His flat hat, a fur-trimmed streimel, lay on his head like a platter of dead minks, the man's Shirley Temple side-locks dangling like pigtails.

Who’s Calling?

859859 views00 comments00 favs

“I’m a sucker for a good first sentence but I won’t dismiss the whole work based on a bad one. Besides, anybody with an MFA can write a decent first sentence. You can’t judge the whole work based on that.”

The Violent Kind

10491049 views44 comments44 favs

But my point is, this isn’t a Thomas Kinkade. It’s not like you can pay me fifty dollars and I can drive to the Twombly store and buy another Twombly.

Saturn Fell

763763 views00 comments00 favs

It is far into the future when humanity has all but squandered the sustenance of its home, Earth. Because of this, myself and three other candidates are selected to participate in a top-secret mission to retrieve fresh sources of solidified hydrogen from

Pink Dress

9393 views1010 comments1010 favs

Sabi's uncle transformed the basement into a dancehall to celebrate her cousin's high school graduation. Sabi sat at a table with her mother and father. Hips swung on the dance-floor, matching the rhythm at the heart of a reggae song. The scratch from the güira…


11511151 views33 comments22 favs

The frog was splayed after its operation in the science lab, but not forsaken. He knew that his wife still loved him, even though he was in an advanced state of dissection. “Oooooo, Mdntf, let's hide under the table and touch tongues,”

The Inkblot Test

17591759 views00 comments00 favs

“Regard this inkblot,” the Psych says to Worker 168. “What do you see?” Worker 168, a thin young women wearing overalls, peers at the inkblot. “I see a beautiful summer day,” she says. “A young woman, wearing a flowing dress, sits…


32043204 views2828 comments1515 favs

When I was miranda and my mother Rose, ours was a skinless intimacy. miranda in Rose's womb, captured in an essence of love, anger, frustration, fear, the overwhelming stress of Rose's life heavy syrup that kept the bond between spirit and body weak and