Stories tagged short-story

The Metropole

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V— It was wonderful to see you at the Metropole last night, which is absolutely lovely. I never want to leave. I will meet Anh--I guess I should stop calling her the pop star, shouldn't I? She does indeed have a name.

Hotel Chelsea - Intercut 3

140140 views33 comments11 fav

Long before the shadow of the arch lays down across the plaza, X is awake and busy

What I Have Been Doing Since I Was Last with You (Revised)

3636 views66 comments55 favs

After dinner, we drink Vietnamese coffee, so black and sweet, it lays warm on our insides like liquid chocolate. After coffee, in a daydream-drenched silence, I watch him smoke a cigarette.

American Dream

114114 views11 comment22 favs

The coroner who opened up his heart would say 'clot.' His ex-wife said anger. His children would offer life, he died because of life.

Cellphone Girl (Part I)

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The calls were going through her as if her whole head had become a wireless receiver. She absolutely did not understand how or why that was happening, but the physical evidence was impossible to ignore.

The Philosopher's Stone

1111 views00 comments00 favs

Perception is the seed of wisdom.

Myra's Lighthouse

10401040 views22 comments22 favs

I’ve been mentally cataloging all the various ways Myra has fucked me up. I know this is a dangerous game, strapped to our seats inches apart and hurling down the road at 70 mph, but I can’t help fiddling with the fuse.

What Beauty Is

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In a small room on the third floor of a seemingly ancient apartment complex downtown lives a young man named Antony. Poor Antony is the only son of middle-class parents who live far from his…

The Early Years

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Owen spent most of his time reading. His mother was proud and often commented to other mothers of how her son's favourite "pasttime" was intellectual stimulation but this bothered Owen more than most anything. For starters, he was not fond of any social contact,…

Touching Jim

8585 views33 comments11 fav

He introduced me to key lime pie, for this alone I would have loved him forever...


120120 views44 comments11 fav

A cut Paul had made into the left ventricle exposed inch-thick muscle. Powerful, masculine muscle. Muscle that could drive a ton of wild flesh.

Women Making Love to Monsters

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I started dating the Minotaur because of Colleen; at the time she was going with a friend of his. The whole thing was a surprise to me because I'd never been attracted to Greek men. This is how it happened. Colleen's new guy, Ian, was known by many…


957957 views00 comments00 favs

"I want more grandchildren to spoil," the woman said. Will took a swig of beer at such moments. Maxine only answered with “someday” and looked over toward her husband. She knew it was his fault, didn’t really know why, but blamed him anyway.

Warning: Mud Makes Me Horny

30433043 views1010 comments22 favs

One day I was sucking down the HG French Vanilla, and the next day my body plugged itself into some universal energy grid. Like some unseen force had snuck into my body and somehow a biological experiment had gone terribly wrong. The unintended result was

The Amarillo Apocalypse

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All you ever got was silence, the substance of things you cannot see. You asked for a sign and you got silence.