271 6 3
Andy's dog Rex whimpers a lot.
20 1 0
Scars shine like jewelry.
Under the microscope of introspection.
Two opposite poles possess positive and negative. all along the borderline between the true and false.
68 1 0
...we congregate, a flock of mothers waiting for our babies to nestle beneath our chins...
2 0 0
He bounced over the beach, twirling and leaping as the sunlight warmed the breeze on his belly, like when he and Janie were six. His jacket slid down his arms into a Batman cape and he laughed as he skidded to a stop and crashed onto his back, mouth open and eyes…
381 19 8
He bounced over the beach, twirling and leaping as sunlight warmed the breeze on his belly, like when he and Janie were six.
1104 1 0
My first abroad journey completed. A picturesque way to end it all, really. I’m into that, I think to myself: making things play like movies or dramas or as beautifully as I can make them.
999 1 0
Sometimes, to be sad, you don't need tears.
1256 0 0
“You have an impressive pair there,” he says, hands warm as he cups them. “Shame they’re on a man though.”
126 46 22
Years later, I found a map in my brother’s lonely apartment in L.A. “Bury me here,” he instructed in a scrawl on a map he had drawn of Woodlawn Cemetery.
1244 0 0
Allen would stroll the remains of the orchard, reminiscing with Tad, flirting with dementia.
1361 3 3
"Dad, I already told you about your wife. She’s not coming."
78 1 1
T.S. had said that April was the cruelest month. J.B. Miter had always remembered that line, although with all that birthed itself during those thirty days, he had hardly understood why. But now, he thought, he was beginning to understand.
1148 1 0
On beach trips with our families,
there were bumper cars, jet skis;
flash enjoyments,
beach-themed distractions.
2660 14 8
We aren't designed for darkness. Something deep inside of us, something much older and deeper than us is telling us to move away, get to warm, because if we don’t, come winter we will die.
1116 4 2
I got to see me the other day.