There are questions I will never ask you because there are answers you will never give me As you said, we were basically children back then thin-skinned and easily maimed to never recover again only to become terminally sane.
To you, a sir or a ma’am—how to die?
Is the first question we must frame
In each generation’s itch how to live?
4. If the property line is a symbol, what about the neighbor girl's window, the flickering candle in her room, her black cotton panties?
We are watching cash cab.
What are you dying to ask your Doctor?
Something like: Answers to questions you might not yet have?
[Answers we will try hard not to provide]
Rosea plays a bohemian plainsong for the cosmonauts among us, while her fuzzy apple hips spit glitter, spin strobes: pink shades of pantyline flicker; lip-licked neon hues scrape strings in B sharp, a gloomy clue.
Can you see the rut? Can you dig your fingers into the flesh?
Rose, silence her desire when she, in this moment of desire, has passed into the grey and dawdles in the margins of such a hurtful unconventionality. Bend her astray from such a becoming. It would be a horror show: intimate, endless, and bloody, just the
Ships tumble, cars crash, horns gulp water, bombs burst up from the ground in a halo of screams.
The night is a jelly slosh, a fertile rumble, a rhumba, black and seeping, thick. An arm rises.
She dips a toothpick in ink, running prick over paper, simply to prove herself wrong.
The questions we ask ourselves define who we are as a culture. “What is the meaning of life?” “Is there a God?” “Does anybody really know what time it is?” “Where the hell did I put my car keys?” To see what…
You cannot go back, you cannot go home, you cannot cannot cannot…Only in memory is it possible to travel back in time. We all imagine it. We relive happy moments, sad moments, we exist, time exists and it passes. We cannot stop it.
I wrapped my flesh around love,
That’s the idea, everyone said.