1259 2 0
Joseph K. ran a publishing house in the shadow of the Castle.
Perhaps “publishing house” is too grand a title. Joseph K. kept a battery of six or seven (depending on repairs) manual typewriters, a crate of carbon paper, and a large stapling machine
339 2 0
She’s a blue girl, a girl in blue. In the doldrums and on the dole, or soon to be.
1469 7 4
1180 0 1
“Charlie was right about you, Nan,” she said in a voice of pure defeat. “You are a gentle spirit. And probably too good for people like us.”
1640 11 7
"They called him a syllannibal: a person who eats his own words. The only words he ever ate, however, were the ones he had written."
1555 9 3
I used to sneak away to my bedroom to write. I would get away any chance I could to jot down on paper my stories, my ideas, the rich stream of goodness that sprang from my little baby creative brain. It was pure joy.
1307 5 2
I got a chance to study story structure, character development, and writing of dialogue in an intense boot camp laced with orange jello and intravenous drugs.
1777 1 1
"Her actions in the city seemed invariably designed to destroy that person, which she’d worked so hard all her life to become."
1419 3 2
“Why is it that you give a woman a bit of power and she turns into a man” said a new intern from the copying room “You can hear her balls rubbing on the carpet as she walks”
2199 19 10
Or at least that is the way Dad explained it one night after finishing the Emergency Vodka he hid behind the ice trays on his last night in the old apartment in Providence.
1408 5 3
We have read your book, but regret to inform you that it is insufficient. This is not to say that you as a person are insufficient, simply that your writing is. When you asked us what percentage of manuscripts we found sufficient, we told you, “Less tha
1028 3 3
You’re finally in a band that can get through a rehearsal without someone strangling someone with an amp cord over creative differences. No one’s in jail, rehab, or MIA from a multi-day booze binge. The group has laid down a few quality tracks that don’t
162 11 9
We're not running this by the women. We'll tell them what they like. We've always done that.