61 2 0
...when I last saw him, he gave me a magazine to read, with an article earmarked. A message for me. About how they are jailing women for not protecting their children...
1 0 0
A message for me. About how they are jailing women nowadays for not protecting their children from abuse when they should have known, should have done something.
124 26 16
the longer they make you wait, the more you fall for the poetry of power
1150 0 0
1. HeWomen's heads turned when Remy stopped in the doorway — as they always did. He noticed — as he always did — but paid no attention as he scanned the room. Too nervy to care. No sign of Fiona. Good. It paid to be the one doing the…
1450 6 4
You're thinking I don't have a conscience, right? I'm asking you.
892 1 0
In suburban Jeddah magnificent houses on every corner of the avenues are surrounded by high walls rising up from just inside the roadside curb to much beyond taller than a man.
546 2 1
He sat on the seat furthest away and could not look me in the eye. Nor could he even glance in my general direction. He put one leg over the other and tried to speak. He shifted his weight. He crossed his arms across his board chest. He…
5 2 0
I am eternal/
as long as the power holds
1448 15 13
I am eternal/
as long as the power holds
3 0 0
but then I realize/
in a shame of mirror light
611 0 0
It wasn't raining, and I wasn't in Paris. The moon wasn't out, and I couldn't see the city lights. It was a sunny Saturday, not too hot but hot enough, and I wondered if my bike would fall over …
1505 6 6
"Absolutely. I get better at it all the time." he confidently replies. He reminds me that it was all her idea. They were online friends when she suggested it. "She loves it." he tells me again, but I think of her sad eyes as she walked upstairs to tend to
180 11 10
In disbelief she takes his hand
223 11 9
We are
only two small people doing
our best.