Stories tagged poem

Puppet X, 1

11531153 views22 comments00 favs

I know you, ladies and gentlemen We see the near future through you Your factual face as you sit indoors Youthless In your ordinary chair

headaches not worth having

805805 views33 comments00 favs

this is one of those "there are two kinds of people" sort of things.

Puppet X, 2

936936 views22 comments11 fav

It's important to sound human, I know To get fragile near your mother I myself get glimpses now and then

Puppet X, 8

822822 views66 comments00 favs

After too much I had forgotten how to fly. There was a small owl with me on the old dirt road by the wind. It was a very dark gray, like an ash. Its beak moved, it opened and shut, opened and closed, but I had also forgotten the language

from something now comes then

198198 views66 comments00 favs

standing hereknee deep in daydreams watching the day sky changepinks and bluesmelt with smooth yellow huesif i could only tastethissunset taffyridingat night in my uncle's convertiblewatching the…

Taken In

6767 views00 comments00 favs

She chalked her breakfast companion up to a hallucination, thanks to the fun sized amount of painkillers splashing around in her system and promptly fell asleep, excusing herself for being such a bad hostess.

New Bum On the Block

2222 views00 comments00 favs

to get someone anyone to warm up to him and come out of their cloaks of uniformity like the glazed doughnuts of the human soul

What Words Are [poem]

8787 views88 comments00 favs

Words are the tall brush


8383 views55 comments00 favs

Other womenother writershave not hadthis easy lifethat I endure.Struggling tolive by theirwits, their workthe klink of coinsin their handswhat they haveearned themselves.Children thy haveraisedperhaps raisingthemselves;neglected, alone.Or not havingenoughto eat, to read.My…

White Dress in the Dark

6464 views00 comments00 favs

Inside my body she lives in the darkwhich is sometimes a forest that she cannot traversesometimes the thickness of tar that she cannot escapesometimes the dark is in her, sometimes she is the darkthat lives inside my body.Her frail girl's body, long braids hanging down her…

High Jinks

2222 views11 comment00 favs

A bunch of punk lambs standing around eating lion at the Lamb Eating Lion Buffet How can they go on eating like that knowing what they kno

Not Even

849849 views22 comments00 favs

That’s not just a trinket on her finger, that’s a rock, a fortress, a castle. No one can scale those walls except Joe Sixpack, slumped beside her at the airport. They’re not a match. I give it 5 years, max. Not even. Joe

Sugarfoot Pond

14151415 views1313 comments1111 favs

i was jus countin' your heartbeats, Emmie and you know what? i think they's the same as mine!

But Wait, There's More

935935 views22 comments00 favs

A rock group named Stuck Gas Pedal. Another named Tweezer. A group of young punk-rockers wearing neckerchiefs named Mein Kampfire. But wait, there’s more. A song called “We Were Being Facetious,” co-written by them all. Lost Flyswatter. That

Ripped From the Headlines

1515 views00 comments00 favs

“Economic Stress in the U.S. is Easing More Slowly” brought to you straight from the office of Mumbo Jumbo in Wash D.C. (as in Wash your Dirty Closet) All day long the junior interns sit around their squeaky clean, orderly desks thinking