by Jerry Ratch
That's not just a
trinket on her finger,
that's a rock, a fortress,
a castle. No one
can scale those walls
except Joe Sixpack,
slumped beside her
at the airport.
They're not a match.
I give it
5 years, max.
Not even.
Joe wearing shades,
knocked out
by all the sex,
and snoring,
with his muscles
bulging out of his tee-shirt.
Mrs. Hockeymom-to-be,
skinny as a stick,
concentrating hard
on her Glamour
and People magazines
with the worry lines
already creasing
her forehead,
and little Billy,
not born yet,
hasn't even lost
his first soccer
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103 words
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as seen at JFK
Liked this and the ending of the poem especially. You captured everything perfectly here.
I liked this poem's attitude and sharp characterization. He's dealing in stereotypes -- but he knows it. He's just people-watching with a jaundiced eye, or so I infer.