Stories tagged novel

X, Chapter 2: Min

515515 views1212 comments66 favs

She felt like every cell in her body was vomiting, like everyone in the coffee shop was talking about what a failure she had become, like her lungs were filled with charcoal dust and blood.

X, Chapter 4: The Median Happy Point

369369 views66 comments33 favs

“Now, touch the tree from here.” Alex looked at him, puzzled. Dad just motioned his eyes back to the tree, extended his own hand out into the air, and slowly moved his palm down, as if he was petting it.

Oh, Danny Boy

13691369 views22 comments00 favs

I wore a padded bra. Proud of my tits. D. ordered a Bloody May, I had a vodka tonic. After the second drink I slipped out into the fog, and smoked a little weed. I could see Long Island College Hospital across the street. To my right, the BQE rose up

X, Chapter 5: Sense and Insensibility

353353 views33 comments33 favs

And, despite Min’s best efforts, they talked about Dad. Ruthie cried. Min wouldn’t. It was his fucking decision. But listening a few minutes longer to her sister, whose voice wobbled with the panic and despair of the discarded, she found herself crying fo

Luminous Nights, 1

704704 views33 comments11 fav

It happened almost overnight. There were long lines of cars at every filling station. There was anger, open hostility. Cars were backing into one another in line, trying to jockey for position. I don't think anyone could believe this was really happening

Quite The Stupid Bitch

331331 views3737 comments1919 favs

Words I wish I had said are thick like Nacho Cheese Doritos cheese on my tongue. But I said so many words. I said too many words. But I wanted to say more.

Luminous Nights, 2

10131013 views22 comments22 favs

The house where my brother lived up in the hills above Hollywood, looked like any other suburban house on any normal street Anywhere USA, except that once you got inside the house — spread out at your feet was a panoramic view over a canyon that was act

Luminous Nights, 3

750750 views33 comments11 fav

She also, wearing the requisite Hawaiian lei in this naked wedding photograph, but her low-swung breasts were hanging all the way down to her navel. Her navel itself appeared to be about as round and deep as a shot glass. There was this smear of gaudy flu

X, Chapter 6: Politeness rituals, Punnett Squares, Pavlov & the Plan

412412 views44 comments22 favs

"Isn’t a world where we are made up of mostly empty space and magnetic fields and that time and space warps around us magical enough?"

Luminous Nights, 4

683683 views22 comments11 fav

When my brother returned from his appointment with this eerie investor fellow in the silent Rolls Royce Silver Arrow, he appeared in my room in dark blue sweats with a broad white stripe, and he herded me into the living room where everybody including F

Luminous Nights, 5

836836 views00 comments00 favs

It turned out that my brother's newly acquired building in downtown Pasadena, was what developers called a "see-through" building. That meant you could look from one side of the building all the way through to the other side, without obstruction. In oth

Luminous Nights, 6

699699 views00 comments00 favs

We had to walk up to the fourth floor, and on those steamy hot Chicago summer nights in August, sometimes I would strip off my top before we even got in the door. I lived with my Siamese cat, whose name was Caesar.

Luminous Nights, 7

770770 views00 comments00 favs

Robbie took me out to Fox River on his father's ski boat one day, as he often did — but this time it was my eighteenth birthday. That was when he opened up his robe and showed me all there was to show of himself, begging me to make love to him, saying h

How the Sixties Ended, a new echapbook online

591591 views11 comment00 favs

Luminous Nights, 8

823823 views22 comments00 favs

Overnight Robbie had lost his youth. But since he was still only nine and his arm looked like a nine-year-old's arm, people didn't notice much at first, until he tried running. Or if he was introduced, and they went to shake his hand. He immediately lea