Stories tagged novel

Sacrifice - 2 (Proposition)

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“Lady, you want me to take a drug that will give me a permanent hard-on while I'm here in prison? You are joking! You think I want some drooling troglodyte cutting my dick off and feeding it to me in a hotdog bun?”

Sacrifice - 3 (Reveal)

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“My god, Al, you're gray. Oh, no! You're going bald!” She laughed again, louder this time, and reached to grab what was left of my hair. I pulled back and grabbed her wrist. I let it go.

Sacrifice - 4 (Questions)

5959 views22 comments11 fav

“You look pretty good for a zombie, Joan.” I tried to keep from smiling, and failed. She did look good. Chestnut hair, dyed, of course, and some age lines in her face, but...

Sacrifice - 5 (Stakes)

3030 views33 comments00 favs

“OK. You're the CEO of a multinational corporation that buys politicians, hires foreign labor at slave wages and, worst of all, sells addictive poison to children..."

Sacrifice - 6 (But...)

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Now they tell me this was all part of the plan, the research project. Get me out of office, disgraced and behind bars...

Sacrifice - 7 (Duh)

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When practical I much prefer soaking in a bath than dashing in and out of a shower, which had been my only option in prison the previous six months.

Internet Hole (an excerpt from Psychopomp)

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Seventeen-year cicadas are the sometimes-singers that surprise spring with the ugliest mouths of all.

Sacrifice - 8 (Dammit!)

6565 views22 comments11 fav

I noticed the bright green beam of light linking the tabletop, where the cup had been, to one of the birds still hovering overhead.

Sacrifice - 9 (Dammit! cont.)

7979 views22 comments11 fav

I saw a man I didn't recognize standing just outside the door staring at us. I had a feeling he'd been there awhile.

Sacrifice - 10 (Feedback)

6161 views33 comments11 fav

Please trust me, this is no dîner avec André.

Sacrifice - 11 (Who?)

1717 views11 comment11 fav

"Who is the most dangerous person in the world right now?"

Sacrifice - 12 (Tink)

6262 views44 comments22 favs

We both rose at once, filling the room again with the tangled intrusive sounds of aggravated steel springs and old wood.

Sacrifice - 13 (Gladys)

2525 views22 comments11 fav

"He's an autodidact. Taught himself to break free of the bonds of conventional thinking and into a realm very few people can manage."

Chapter 14 (Enough of the one-word titles!)

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Were Tink's arrogance helium the walls and ceiling of our little room would have blown outward, the gas then ripping the entire building from the ground, and lurching it into the stratosphere.

Chapter 15 (Tink is Pink)

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"We simply cannot take the risk."