Stories tagged novel

Sacrifice - 16 (Can Mighty Mouse save the world?)

2222 views22 comments11 fav

Last chapter on Fictionaut, my friends. Amazon put Sacrifice in its Kindle Bookstore this evening. $2.99 and you can read the whooooole thing in one sitting!

Hemingway Test – Chapter 2 (Harry and Joe)

122122 views44 comments11 fav

“I want to sit in the front,” Trueblood said. “I'd feel like some kind of dipshit in the back seat.”

Hemingway Test - Chapter 3 (Peterfid Center)

170170 views33 comments22 favs

“How about Rectal Research Center?” Gladys said. “Nobody will want to set foot on the property.” Sporadic snickering flitted around the table.

Hemingway Test – 4 (Sizing up the enemy)

7979 views33 comments11 fav

Talk was broken at first with apologies for the slurping and burping and the shrill crinkling of Aquifina bottles ...

Hemingway Test – 5 (Meet Bart Bullshit)

164164 views44 comments22 favs

“Sir??? Did you say 'sir'? Jeezuz Christ on a Popsickle, man, don't you EVER call me 'sir'! Unless I tell you to. Got it?”

Hemingway Test – 6 (The test)

193193 views1212 comments55 favs

“God dammit, the Hemingway test! I need to know if you're a man or a fucking pussy!”


6464 views99 comments22 favs

President Dobbs looked a lot cheerier than he felt. Or ever was, for that matter. Cursed or blessed with cherub cheeks, Kris Kringle laugh lines, merry eyes and just enough fat to make him look honest, he gave off an aura of accessibility and friendly emp

Hemingway Test – 7 (Crash)

140140 views33 comments22 favs

“We're at war and this is our bunker.”

Hemingway Test – 8 (Discovery)

148148 views55 comments33 favs

“I never kiss and tell.”


110110 views22 comments22 favs

Comfort, Colorado, is a sleepy little village nestled at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, just beyond the Eisenhower tunnels.  Surrounded by a forest of gold and orange, it’s a picture-perfect paradise on sunny, autumn days like today.  Right now, the met


13381338 views88 comments44 favs

Fred's ruined face stared back at him from a fractured, mold-spotted mirror. The remains of breakfast pooled around his feet and a pair of lace panties clung to his shoe, glued there by God knew what. Bits of flesh were stuck between his yellow teeth, alo

Hemingway Test – 9 ( Thumb talk)

143143 views55 comments22 favs

“At least you won. Better you broke his thumb than he broke yours.”

Hemingway Test – 10 (Mission musing)

119119 views44 comments22 favs

“I'll clear my calendar.” Both men laughed.

A Moment's Change

153153 views00 comments00 favs

Then he spoke of her cowardice, and from within, her heart fluttered and a soft heat branched out across her chest, face, and stomach pits and she felt imprisoned by that room.

Hemingway Test – 11 (Hacker on board)

187187 views66 comments22 favs

“...where Lincoln ate.” “Here? In this room?”