Stories tagged mother

Uncle Remus is Not Racist

207207 views1111 comments77 favs

I am a witch, yes, like Yoko Ono, but I am not magic enough to snag an exhibition and a soul mate who takes his mommy anger out on a Rickenbacker.

I Want My Mommy

6969 views88 comments44 favs

And I am greatly loved, but who needs it? / And there is a God, but so what? / And I am not alone, but why this fear then?


900900 views11 comment11 fav

I blame you for my short temper when I go off the handle when my blood runs cold and I can't think straight I can only react. When I say things I don't mean Even if I do. But I am glad for the fire you started inside of me. That time I…


335335 views11 comment00 favs

“Here,” she said, holding a plastic bag out to her daughter.“I have to do it?” The young girl whined, crinkling her nose as she remembered the way the plastic warmed in her fingers as she lifted the fresh dog poop from the grass.“My hands are…

Heaven Sent

7373 views55 comments11 fav

Another miracle is that the cake was a success, even without buttercream frosting. Yes, it was Swiss chocolate. It still is Swiss chocolate. The cake is still there. The cake is not gone.

Falling Off The Roof

11351135 views44 comments00 favs

"As the thing lurches upright, I can see now that it is an old woman with snake eyes… a dead old woman with snake eyes and peeling flesh. She is putrid and maggoty. She is coming right at us. She is my mother."

Hello Cheryl

11441144 views00 comments00 favs

“Hello, Cheryl” the voice on the other end of the phone replied. It was strong but raspy, yet quiet and controlled. The fellow sounded like he had a frog in his throat. “How do you know my name?” she asked. “I know a lot of things about y

Train Ride

8484 views33 comments33 favs

“You’re not the only one, you know." Another man’s impatient voice cracked into her ears from behind, like the snap of a whip into her languid thoughts.

A Moment's Change

153153 views00 comments00 favs

Then he spoke of her cowardice, and from within, her heart fluttered and a soft heat branched out across her chest, face, and stomach pits and she felt imprisoned by that room.

Him and his Father

13701370 views55 comments11 fav

Snow was falling. People passed by the window and wore large coats. Inside, Alex stood in front of the window and watched.

And her child

12331233 views22 comments22 favs

The mother was happy, though. She was happy because she could make him some soup and then she could feed it to him in bed.

Footfalls on the Waves

4747 views22 comments00 favs

I am alone with my thoughts, alone in my trek, alone in my life. But there is another figure who walks another beach Gazing in my direction from a thousand miles away

1964 Dodge 330/slant-a-matic

116116 views1313 comments88 favs

We loved riding in that big back seat; it had leather or plastic seats, and we were small enough that our older brother and sister could sit back there with us with plenty of room. There were no seatbelts to hold us down, and that was probably a good thi

Blue Glass Star

102102 views22 comments11 fav

“You see?” her mother broke the silence. “That top looks great on you. Such a gorgeous colour.” “It makes me look fat.” “But you are fat. The colour takes attention away from that.”

Mother's Poem

833833 views22 comments11 fav

The monsters in the sky burst with riotous laughter, their rumbling voices barking out commands, their cracked nails scratching on the screen, their knotted knuckles tap-taping on the window. Little girl, won't you come out to play? She clutches her floral bed sheets,…