Stories tagged love

My History With Bras

12381238 views1010 comments99 favs

"Maybe so, but you have seen those photos in the National Geographic, right? Do you really want to risk it?" she demands and I sigh in defeat. I wake up at midnight, hot from too many blankets and pull my bra off through the sleeves of my shirt. I th

Carpe Diem

10111011 views66 comments44 favs

And as you try to read, he appears. No, not in front of you, but somewhere just behind your eyes. You hear the sound at the end of an argument, just before the kiss; you see a shirt fall to the ground in late summer; you watch him read as his mouth

What We Know but Can’t Describe

10811081 views2323 comments1212 favs

We know them just enough/ to recognize them when we find them.

Making Love- Circa Y2K

865865 views44 comments44 favs

I want to ask him why not now, right here on the living room floor when Rosie is out for the day. Instead, I suggest Sunday afternoon. I can make grilled cheese sandwiches and we'll eat them on the veranda. I'll take off my tennis skirt and unbutton my...

Samantha’s Note to Her Husband

836836 views33 comments33 favs

By February, I had decided, That you'd tear out my throat every morning if it meant your favorite song would play from my neck.


10541054 views1414 comments77 favs

We flew./ In my dreams, I can fly.

Cardboard Suitcase

12971297 views2222 comments1111 favs

There are no atheists or agnostics in our family.

Irish Drunk

11341134 views99 comments99 favs

Your honour stinks of failed fishing trips to Galway.

Food & Treasure

855855 views44 comments44 favs

She wakes up with rosemary.

This Is How You Make The Bed

10011001 views88 comments77 favs

He disrobes; shoes, socks, shirt, belt, pants. He smells of hard work. The nude whisper of everything else.

The Glass Bowl

867867 views22 comments22 favs

I caught a fragment of a charged argument as I passed them. The young man said, “Well, I am talking about love.” And the young woman with equal volume checkmated with, “Well, I am talking about money.” Though their lives were none of my business, this exc

ps . . .

516516 views88 comments66 favs

with letters of your choosing

Deep June Pool

993993 views66 comments66 favs

I may be the shadow that I am, but I only ever loved you.

Water, Not Fire

697697 views66 comments66 favs

I'll still want the blinds open and the lights on, to see the papier-mache of our flesh fighting death away to the century mark, even if you only want to live until a ripe eighty-two.

Night of The Lepus

12051205 views2121 comments1515 favs

I've decided I'm here to be absurd.