Stories tagged laughter

Man Running From A Bar

140140 views00 comments00 favs

A man alone in his paid-for living room, with his hands folded behind his head A man running from a bar, a bald man seen from behind Someone who made a wide circle to avoid your laughter A man undressing at the side of the road saying: “How you


26132613 views66 comments11 fav

At the center of the world our bodies float over each other near to everything, at the center of being Not like arrows pointing in three directions but like our own bodies pulsing in and out Laughter can cure nearly anything it is sa

The Baptism of David Swimmer

11231123 views00 comments00 favs

The church pews were straining at the crowds who had come to see David get saved. There was no salvation in the water really, but the Baptists preached the gospel of immersion. There was a certain Baptist church in Kentucky that pressured a man who'd been sprinkled to get…

Context and Confessional Poetry

11141114 views11 comment11 fav

I like babies and little kids, more than some people but goddamn, children's laughter out of nowhere (in the night, when you're not expecting it) is creepy. I don't like slugs smeared like nightmare goo on my summer-bare feet, I could do without them in …

Forgiveness In Strokes

546546 views22 comments11 fav

He sat on the seat furthest away and could not look me in the eye. Nor could he even glance in my general direction. He put one leg over the other and tried to speak. He shifted his weight. He crossed his arms across his board chest. He…

A Letter Late At Night

270270 views22 comments00 favs

That man sits in the next room and continues laughing about his own writing.

The Going

9494 views44 comments44 favs

The honesty was in the going

End of Death

9898 views00 comments00 favs

“That’s right you stay right there!” shouted the old man as he peered over his shoulder. “Don’t come any closer!” The tennis balls dragged across the ground leaving green fuzz in their wake.

Killzone Excerpt: The Return II

500500 views00 comments00 favs

When they arrived at the base it was a quarter passed twelve in the afternoon. The sun sat right above the city. Rays of hope and triumph reflected off of Class 3 Assault Rifles and military vehicles capable of packing enough punch to put a hole in your motivation.…


12271227 views88 comments66 favs

Your laugh used to startle the nurses.