Stories tagged friends

Dinner at the Harmony Restaurant

21362136 views1717 comments1111 favs

Balling my fists, I banged them on the retro-formica tabletop. The taste of pufferfish balls in an oleander-infused reduction with a seaweed and pomegranate side-salad tossed in a geranium-rottweiler vinaigrette rose in my throat.


14541454 views66 comments44 favs

When Quince came rolling up into my front yard that morning, we were up to our neck in August, staring down a seventh-grade year that had crept perilously close when we weren’t looking. I’m thirty-five years clear of it now, and I can still sense Texas on


12601260 views22 comments22 favs

I flung the basketball at the hoop and Cooper shagged the ball. He was the luckiest bastard I knew. ...

On My 37th Birthday

138138 views44 comments44 favs

My shrink says I need to go out more and socialize./My husband says I need to build up some muscle./My mother says I need to have a baby before my eggs dry up.

In The Arms of Veronica

851851 views22 comments00 favs

Her smile was a cliff I stood on, trying to wrangle some kind of hope from the whites of her teeth. I heard the sound of the buzzer from the door on my ward. She stood there, a sickly ash tree, each limb flailing about like she was drowning in my sea of a

Jared Sampson's Mom

22952295 views77 comments55 favs

She died in a car crash yesterday. She was driving down Hawthorne, past the strip mall with the Benihana’s, when her ’05 Corolla unaccountably careened over the center meridian and into oncoming traffic.

Strange Humidity

974974 views22 comments11 fav

The kitchen is full of old girlfriends. I avoid them. They are munching on cheddar and sharing stories I'm sure I don't want to hear.

The Tall Man’s Secret

9999 views2525 comments77 favs

He’s stark, raving, buck naked the whole time. It isn’t until the midst of a long, rambling conversation about secret extraterrestrial underground bases, that I abruptly change the subject.


755755 views00 comments00 favs

I got a call from Fiona last night. She asked that I come down this evening, to meet at Penny's place. "It's an Intervention, Al," she said, which told me everything I needed to know about what the meeting would be about.

The Dog

9393 views77 comments11 fav

Carl finished his beer, burped, crushed the aluminum can on the floor with his foot. “Oop, now we’re outta beer.” “Alright, let’s send the dog.” They did. They sent the dog. The first time Luther trotted down the sidewalk. The next time, Henry let t

Beam Me Up

112112 views33 comments33 favs

I saw a naked woman standing with her arms raised to the sky like a marble statue among the red, orange and yellow trees.

The Tall Man’s Secret

824824 views33 comments00 favs

I turn the corner and come face to face with Ed, who's stark naked at the kitchen sink. He chugs a glass of hot tap water from a measuring cup and belches loudly. “Good morning,” he says, as he pisses in the sink. “I drink 6 cups of hot tap…

The Going

9494 views44 comments44 favs

The honesty was in the going

Soups Up

102102 views77 comments11 fav

There was a knock at the door. Art stopped stirring the pot, put his wooden spoon down, and lowered the heat on the burner before going to see who it…

Unintentional Hermits/ Animal Cities- The General Woman

845845 views11 comment11 fav

She lived a good life she told herself. She lived a good life because she demanded little- little materialistic comforts that is- at least this is what she thought- and what she demanded anyway was simple, aesthetic; sophisticated and perhaps even neat. Yes she was a neat…