Stories tagged friends

The Tall Man’s Secret

11711171 views88 comments55 favs

For the next two hours, Ed goes nonchalantly about his business, buck naked the whole time. He putters around the house, writes e mails, waters plants, vacuums the rug and sweeps the porch. I pretend to ignore his nudity

Tiny Dancer

13871387 views1616 comments88 favs

This latest married man who lives at a great distance has leeched her energy in that very particular way such men do. Next to him, I am as interesting as long division.

Physical Mementos

118118 views00 comments00 favs

ong after song. Note after note. Swig after swig. The set comes to an end. There is a collective sigh of relief that no more energy need be expended and one of disappointment that the night is coming to a conclusion.


741741 views00 comments00 favs

Motivation always needs to come from somewhere. For some all it takes is a sunny day, a smile from a stranger or a simple pat on the back. Others demand a fire lit, a carrot dangled or a whip cracked. Yet here the sun had set, the fire extinguished and th


1818 views00 comments00 favs

Hadn’t that been good, he wanted to know. Hadn’t it been good to remember all those stories? I didn’t say anything. It had been good to talk—for awhile—but after Roger Rose showed up, and maybe even before, it seemed like the point of the stories wasn’t t


176176 views44 comments22 favs

It had been good to talk—for awhile—but after Roger Rose showed up, and maybe even before, it seemed like the point of the stories wasn’t to feel good but to keep from feeling bad, which isn’t the same thing.

Killzone Excerpt: The Return I

496496 views00 comments00 favs

He was hauled in on a white cloth, pulled up by four men on each corner. Killzone wondered why the cloth was white. It made it too obvious he was bleeding. He didn't want his men to see his wounds. None of them. But, even heroes bleed. He was zoning in and out of…

Killzone Excerpt: The Return II

500500 views00 comments00 favs

When they arrived at the base it was a quarter passed twelve in the afternoon. The sun sat right above the city. Rays of hope and triumph reflected off of Class 3 Assault Rifles and military vehicles capable of packing enough punch to put a hole in your motivation.…

Me And My Liberal Friends

13411341 views77 comments77 favs

“Thank God The Yogurt Store Was Open!”. I knew this would cause cynics to seethe about me and my #FirstWorldProblems. While those less with the times or from many years of vanilla ancestry, might become racist themselves, indicating that I was suffering f

A Gap in Inventory, or Step 4

8787 views1010 comments1010 favs

Beaten felt, dark brown, full of character, worn. Immortal, that hat.

The Green Eyed Monster

928928 views00 comments00 favs

So this is what hate feels like. I glare at her, across the room standing there with him. Tall, blond, slender, perfect complexion, adorable smile, and bright eyes; and him and his lean athletic build, soft square jawline, charming smile, deep blue gree


3838 views33 comments33 favs

I suggested the hospital was haunted. He thought about it. Maybe. There were a lot of electrical outlets, he said.


997997 views55 comments55 favs

The boy stared out his window, noting the suns slow and eventual passing behind the distant mountains. He saw his face reflected in the window pane and turned away. His shadow loomed…

ten skulls

77 views00 comments00 favs

short poem I wrote with no socks on, the floor was cold.

Owed to the IRS

13681368 views99 comments88 favs

Sleep is a steep comfort these stock-still nights - the ceiling an artexed breadth of angst, the blue power light of the laptop in the corner exhorting me to turn it on