20 5 0
Plastic utensils. Your parents love them. They love them so much that they wash them. They wash them so often the plastic grows cloudy and weak. Prongs break off the forks, their limbs amputated and muted. Stabbing food was never…
1446 6 1
It doesn’t get dark for hours but Sam doesn’t know that. Mum bought extra-thick blinds for his bedroom windows.
13 3 0
There were aliens at Roswell after all. Hundreds of the dusty bastards.
11 2 0
A well fed fly flutters...
1396 8 2
Lena jumps in Tungi’s ride, a busted Cutlass with chrome wheels and booming stereo. She hugs him, presses her chichis against his. He’s wearing too much cologne, but Lena’s glad he’s trying.
1371 1 1
I ran into Geary Marston in front of the French Hotel Café, across the street from Chez Panisse. I was sitting outside at a small round metal table. A girl that looked like a Degas model was selling flowers on the sidewalk in front of the hotel. Her shor
69 14 4
He’d just returned from the restroom and ingesting a hallucinogen when the plane blew apart, hurtling him through the air like a tossed boomerang.
509 12 8
Upon drinking artichoke tea, he found that he'd gained powers.
258 6 1
"I wasn't hungry. I was looking for a taste.”
458 17 8
In her dreams she lived in a rice grain. A virus was her lover.
127 11 6
I am a mean guacamole, she once said, after a glass of wine
107 7 5
Takeo Suzuki was teaching KC, big-time film actor and director, the proper way to slice yellowtail. The chef made four quick cuts. KC mimicked him, but his cuts were barbaric and loud.
92 12 6
Tapping his foot, numbers accumulating in his mind, until his mother said, stop. She the only one able to halt the numbers, his father an empty set since birth.
183 21 9
Grandfather was surly. Everything angered him. He’d play solitaire at his table, blow cigarette smoke, eat canned anchovies, complain about grandkids drinking his bottled Coke.
56 4 1
The car inching along, she repeated, bread, milk, cake, over and over, so not to forget.