As I read mail after mail and deleted each one, I felt I was erasing two years of my life.
Javier and I were seated on the old deck, listening to the river that felt like silence itself, when I found myself focusing on a single nail.
So we stayed on the train admiring the time.
These weren't the dark rooms of Seattle where I'd drunk pints alone and with friends in my twenties and thirties.
Last week she was teaching the story of Theseus, who killed the killers.
You took up residence on the dark side of things, a bolthole in a wind-flayed right angle of a tower block where pigeons and suicides tumbled blackly on the air currents. You set about drifting off from who you were on a tide of cheap whisky and bad poetry, graduating…
Andrea and Paula were invited to Caroline’s for a slumber party. They could watch a show on the new Motorola, drink Pepsi-Cola, paint their toenails red, and talk about boys.
Tabitha approached her daughter, eyes not managing to veer away in time to miss the tutu rising up the chunky ham legs.
"How about our kids? We have an obligation to protect them from poinks."
Cyrus snorted: "WE — gotta horse turd in yer pocket?"
Finally my daughter emerges from behind the silver curtain, riding piggy-back on a gigantic proboscis monkey. She's preoccupied by his nose, and wrings it like a wet dishrag with both hands. If it hurts he's not showing it.
It's a pretty strange feeling when you think you're about to bite into some ice cream and instead it's gazpacho.
The way she leafed through the glossy fashion magazine and asked for his opinions as though he wore stilettos himself, or see-through blouses, or crop tops, forced him to consider things about which, in the face of them, he realized he knew nothing. She was distracted…
They watch her, scald her skin with hot eyes whose stares run up and down her body like lice.
Her mother yanked her away, like I was dangerous. I get that a lot. I’m big, you see. Tall, but it’s more than that: I’m hefty. Large. I’m a big girl, the worst kind of girl you can be.