Stories tagged flash-fiction

The cycle of being married to Somebody

115115 views66 comments33 favs

Here is confinement. Here ties his enthusiasm to his waist and chains his ankles to obscurity. He must be there, sharing his face, telling his news, receiving his praise.

A Salty, Slutty Bird (for the Paddy Group Challenge)

234234 views4242 comments2020 favs

"Besides," he said, "Any woman who can tolerate a salty, slutty bird is a keeper."

le chat

7676 views88 comments55 favs

There once was a time when I washed my dishes with a cat who spoke French.

Needles And Sins

985985 views00 comments00 favs

They've put down roots under the dome. Want to push through the ceiling, blot out the sun. I have other plans.


897897 views00 comments00 favs

Michael lay on his back and counted his breaths, measuring their depth of inhalation and release.

There's Life Underground

937937 views44 comments00 favs

I'm not dreaming anymore.

Clearly Jamison

7171 views88 comments44 favs

The world is getting weirder.

One of Four

12711271 views1111 comments66 favs

She stood with her sisters, pretty maids in a row, felt cold despite the scorching spring sun. Heard what the man said but didn’t register; words from the Lord flew around her like the flighty trill of the robins up above. The birds made more sense.

The Lute Music CD

2626 views22 comments00 favs

THE LUTE MUSIC CD The lute music CD remained on the phone table for five months though they didn't have a phone anymore. They didn't have children either but there were no substitutes. His…

#3 The Horse Shrink - A Lick and a Promise

5353 views77 comments66 favs

The bed was rocking, or I was dying, or I was on a ride and having a super dream.

Watching Our Reflections on TV While We Wait

15121512 views88 comments11 fav

We sat in a row on the long couch and no one's legs could reach the floor. Granddaddy took the first one the kid who no one knew and said to us "the rest of you stay put."

Pack It In (Paddy Wacker's Challenge)

8484 views1414 comments55 favs

The periscope of the highball glass shows it's all tits and mediocrity here..

Irish, Until We Weren’t

134134 views2727 comments88 favs

Who knew the old bird had a tarty past?

Take Abe To Mass

721721 views33 comments00 favs

Near Christmas in Chicago they used to have these pictures of a five dollar bill on billboards all around the city, with the caption: Take Abe to Mass. On the front steps before going into the church, we encountered a ver

Beckett not Joyce

8080 views55 comments55 favs

A lot of stink a lot of cheese. It must be what they liked.