1535 0 1
Andrew didn’t need oil and neither did his mother. In fact, the only reason oil was on his mother’s mind was because it was the last thing on her mind. He did not get up to get it, and she did not protest.
200 8 2
I want him to kiss me even if it feels like being licked by a fish.
1091 2 0
Time stole you from underneath the goldendock. Writhing there, slick as a flapping tongue;lips gored, red, whose gaping could embolden weak hands behind the blazing buck blade, long ago pierced in your summer quietus, beneath the soft shade of a tackle box, as the…
107 7 5
Takeo Suzuki was teaching KC, big-time film actor and director, the proper way to slice yellowtail. The chef made four quick cuts. KC mimicked him, but his cuts were barbaric and loud.
183 21 9
Grandfather was surly. Everything angered him. He’d play solitaire at his table, blow cigarette smoke, eat canned anchovies, complain about grandkids drinking his bottled Coke.
2102 29 14
1726 18 9
I don’t name the dog but the fish requires a name. Animals that do not get eaten must be named. The dog is still on the menu.
46 9 4
“We must never forget that we are children, and as children we dream, and when we dream, we dream of candy."
135 7 4
I flew to San Francisco from Dallas and got to the point as soon as I entered Bobby's gloomy studio apartment in the Mission.
"So. Where do you keep the bodies?" I asked, slapping Bobby on the back and smiling huge.
194 8 4
There is a goldfish following me.
2157 5 6
I’m a suicide prevention counselor for teens. Most of the time I answer phones and tell kids not to kill themselves over their boyfriends and girlfriends and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, etc. I’m not even sure what the number is—1-800-DONT-DIE or something li
288 2 1
Women with bindis in the shape of Christmas trees appeared from behind a row of washers and began to twist, their flowing lehenga cholis fanning her hot face, Maang Tikas and Mama Chura bangles jingling. They fell into formation, each in front of her own
1243 1 1
A famous author and an inspired writer meet at a coffee shop, both looking for inspiration. The patrons there don’t know if this meeting is by accident or design, but they are in awe of Fame.
287 31 15
Not when their captives wear saris the dusky shade of star anise—and think not of death but dinner. Silver scales wink at mirrors; one last dance of surrender and forgiveness.
1189 1 0
It was an eagle in the waves
Those eyes make no mistake
Especially from a mile high
Blue fish and tuna
Too dumb to run