1429 1 0
23 1 0
At least Scotch leaves, he chases the eighteen year old variety the perfect age, so smooth, tasty, he admits, too readily
1007 4 0
“When I get like this? What about what you get like this? If you know my answer you know you look like my answer. Otherwise, how would you know my answer?”
1264 1 0
"So" he started, which troubled me enough to turn back around and make such focused eye contact that I did not even notice his glass was again full, "you wanted to talk?"
677 2 0
Getting the beer was easy enough
1527 1 0
I don't really know, though. I've been locked in a beer cave for the last ten years of my life. I was just let out by some frat boys who were looking for Natty Light.
55 4 1
I stood in line behind him
and waited my turn
1377 7 4
“Americans like beer, right?” he asks. “It’s not acceptable for a woman to buy beer.” He proffers it in a brown paper bag.
18 1 1
the door openedhe came inopened the fridgethought of hershe was on the roadbusinesshe grabbed a beerthe tv didn't workhe couldn't watch the news it was snowingshe was gone
65 11 7
Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done about the coupling of tombstones. First of all, their copulations are deafening — how they grunt and sigh! — and secondly, the sparks spewing from the friction — blue, green, yellow, and purple - ignite fires
95 10 5
With your belly filled with beer
and your eyes squeezed in squint
I'm almost magic
almost enough dirty angel
barred from broken jukebox heaven
for you to believe in
445 54 24
1289 7 4
You're on the Ferris wheel, and the wind is blowing just a little bit, and the sky is invisible behind a wash of white clouds, and your little yellow box tips when you look down, down to the fairway swinging. In the boxes below grandmothers are shrieking …
8 0 0
The picnic area sizzles. Barbecues gloat in tombstone fireplaces. Sweaty men and women gargle beer.
94 8 2
I step over a big black dog that's sprawled, fast asleep, across the doorway. “Best to let sleeping dogs lie,” I think, but the snoring dog doesn't budge. Clouds of tobacco smoke hang in the air and mix with the glow from neon bar signs, illuminating the …