1476 7 5
This was a dream in which I didn’t know fear.
2650 7 2
His appearance had never suggested health, but his body had once been fleshy, his skin pale and soft because he never went outside in the daytime.
3034 14 12
...the job was easy, just pour and deliver, pour and deliver.
1469 4 2
your leather jacket zip has left a row of teethmarks on her arm
1296 1 1
I like him. I really, really like him in a way that I don’t like guys, not anymore, not after all the dirty lies into get in my pants, the dirtier lies to get out of them later, the indignities and the humiliations and the disappointments.
94 8 2
I step over a big black dog that's sprawled, fast asleep, across the doorway. “Best to let sleeping dogs lie,” I think, but the snoring dog doesn't budge. Clouds of tobacco smoke hang in the air and mix with the glow from neon bar signs, illuminating the …
914 6 5
I’ll take my Christmas carols neat-
53 4 1
“Whatever,” Bill says, pulling on a pair of new jeans. “All I’m sayin’ is these are my lucky drawers. Then it’s straight back to my room and my water bed and rubber sheets with ‘Get Down’ written on them. You coming out with us tonight?”
1167 0 0
"Sorry, I need to confirm the results." Sal turned to Paul. "Is it true that you got stood up?"
917 0 0
That is then and the devil reigns in the here and now.
Tonight I am the barfly and tomorrow I die.
4 4 0
A monstrous black dog slumbers in the doorway, still as a volcano. I step around him. An old folk saying about sleeping dogs tickles my brain like a coyote yelping on a moonlit night. Strands of smoke curl into fluorescent gossamer in the neon glow and cast a…
361 3 1
And then the fists were flying and because the bar is so damn small, the bar stools fell over, and the tables caught them, and the drinks fell to the floor and the two men grappled, half in the bar, half on the street.
1282 6 5
The bar sounds grew (as bar sounds will) until everything rushed together -- clinking glass, tinkling ice, laughter and zippers going down then up.
1065 6 3
It was the losers’ bar in my neighborhood.
1060 1 1
A rose and two dollars. Where did they come from? I didn't know anyone who had visited my parents' grave recently, yet that evening I saw a white rose on my mother's side and two bucks on my father's. I took the money and placed my own flowers with the rose. It had to have…