Stories tagged aids

Morir Soñando

17231723 views00 comments00 favs

While Erik rubs my back, I fall asleep. I'm not lying on my bed in Florida - I'm face down on the pavement outside Brooklyn Pharmacy. And it's not Erik's hand smoothing oil of cassis into my skin, but that Officer Green's meaty one gripping me . . .


13981398 views1010 comments33 favs

“No one likes an indecisive sexual partner.”

For Captain Paul

3535 views22 comments00 favs

How could we know every drop was tainted, coated in the new pestilence of the 80's, the clock ticking, and Miami ground zero?

The Dirt

12791279 views66 comments66 favs

The coffin-sized pit in his basement wasn’t freshly dug.

May 1985

108108 views1717 comments88 favs

the child just didn't want to let go


7474 views11 comment11 fav

I took this workshop once. A Life Fulfillment Seminar provided by J___ Mutual Funds. That was the kind of thing the guy talked about: Motivational Factors putting you Over the Top.


12271227 views88 comments66 favs

Your laugh used to startle the nurses.

Sex, Drugs & The Tao Te Ching

551551 views22 comments22 favs

The Dude asked Ed: "What about Love, Man?" Ed shrugged. "Love is just acceptance." Words that would change my life forever.