1723 0 0
While Erik rubs my back, I fall asleep. I'm not lying on my bed in Florida - I'm face down on the pavement outside Brooklyn Pharmacy. And it's not Erik's hand smoothing oil of cassis into my skin, but that Officer Green's meaty one gripping me . . .
1398 10 3
“No one likes an indecisive sexual partner.”
35 2 0
How could we know every drop was tainted, coated in the new pestilence of the 80's, the clock ticking, and Miami ground zero?
1279 6 6
The coffin-sized pit in his basement wasn’t freshly dug.
108 17 8
the child just didn't want to let go
74 1 1
I took this workshop once. A Life Fulfillment Seminar provided by J___ Mutual Funds. That was the kind of thing the guy talked about: Motivational Factors putting you Over the Top.
1227 8 6
Your laugh used to startle the nurses.
551 2 2
The Dude asked Ed: "What about Love, Man?"
Ed shrugged. "Love is just acceptance."
Words that would change my life forever.