Alphabetical stories

how i saw you sail

860860 views44 comments22 favs

I had a friend in high school that wore a size G bra and we would take guesses on how much her tits weighed in comparison to the rest of her body. I spent a night wondering how she kept upright.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation... When I Wasn't Drinking

14181418 views33 comments22 favs

This is what my summer has come to: me, out of a job, aimlessly driving around the city looking for places to write, places to read, places to occupy my time.

How it all started

10681068 views77 comments00 favs

I heard this story from my grandmother who heard it from her grandmother who heard it from an uncle, who was a monkey.

How It Ends

959959 views22 comments22 favs

When she left for the last time, everything fell apart. It wasn't new or unexpected — it had happened before but this time it was different. All those other times there had been…

how it felt to learn it would rain where you were.

11651165 views55 comments33 favs

and that you once had / still sometimes sold savory pies out the side of a truck at renaissance fairs alongside your mum with her fake braid in a wrong color wrapped round her head. & you called the sky 'corrugated' or 'promising as a line of chorus g

How It Is

16221622 views1717 comments99 favs

When Ryan isn’t around, those of us who know him lament that he peaked at 17, at Disney World.

How It Started

647647 views11 comment00 favs

At two AM I went to bed, and the mill shut down shortly after. The silence jerked me out of sleep so fast I almost screamed. Choking and sweating, I lay there and tried to figure out why I was so scared. And then I realized: for the first time in half a y

How It Was Done in Delaware

216216 views11 comment00 favs

I lied endlessly

How It Went Bad With Horsepen

11021102 views1313 comments1010 favs

You should never have believed your daddy when he said a man with half a dog was better off than a man with no dog at all.

How Jellyfish Make Love

15201520 views22 comments22 favs

It was 1986 when I met you. We both lived on Decatur Avenue in a tank that had enough room for you, me, and all our fake plastic accoutrement. I was 30 years old -- really old for a jellyfish. Some people thought I'd die sooner. But I knew better. I was…

How Josh Met Emily

935935 views00 comments00 favs

“Well in opposite heaven every time you make scrambled eggs the shells break into a million pieces, then you spend eternity picking them out of the yolk.”

How Light Loves You

11501150 views1212 comments1111 favs

The cataclysm of all those photons/ mad to be a part of you

How Lost Can We Get?

731731 views33 comments22 favs

“Your family, that family is crazy, everyone of them hush hush, tweet tweet, a little screw loose – or a bird, what kind of bird they got there?”

How Many Remain

853853 views11 comment11 fav

how many lighted days remain

How Poets Die

12141214 views2121 comments1616 favs

Mark Strandover decadesa steady diet of dictionenlarged his heartone day it just burstRobert Frosta crazy ideathat he couldbuild a wallwithout mortar tookpossession of his mindhe piled stoneon stone higherand higher untilthey toppled overcrushing him beneath Wilfred…

How Religion Got Its Start

13671367 views2020 comments1414 favs

In the bearded sun, I see a golden goat.

How Solomon Built His Temple

102102 views55 comments22 favs

I need an elderly woman to lick my eyeballs clean

How Sturdy Is Your Sick Bag?

11361136 views77 comments22 favs

A wave lifted me from my seat, scattering more drops of vomit around, and I thought nastily about bringing the motion sickness bracelets back inside, dripping bags in tow, to ask for a refund.

How the 60's Ended

944944 views44 comments11 fav

The Beatles on TV their last show together as a group and we all knew it smoking dope sitting around in large groups in living rooms across the universe they sang Let It Be and The Long and Winding Road knowing a man

How the Big Man Reigned

996996 views44 comments22 favs

I am fair game that will be hunted and eaten, cutting its edge with Satan's tears from six eyes.

How the Body Prepares Itself

13511351 views1818 comments1414 favs

it corrupts the smells// and flavors of the world/ and plants its swollen face

How the Other Half Lives

714714 views55 comments33 favs

Most of life, it turns out, is pathetic. Very little is funny. We have to generate our own laughter. Canned laughter may have to do. Even if we have to carry the can around our neck like a Saint Bernard or strapped to our hip

How the Plum Fell, and Not Necessarily Why the Apple Flew

13791379 views1111 comments88 favs

A friend of mine is killing me With all of her lies. If I die tonight, you can bet it's Because of her. A friend of mine Is killing me with those lit eyes like Twin pyramids holding up her rambling Blue skyline. Look I don't have to …

How the Sixties Ended, a new echapbook online

579579 views11 comment00 favs

How the Species Began Again, I

13391339 views00 comments00 favs

Tina saw a tear escape from beneath the frame of the man’s broken glasses. It followed the contour of his cheek until it quivered along his jaw line.

How The West Was Won

744744 views11 comment11 fav

I looked through the window of my shop here in Laredo and saw him standing there with his six-shooters drawn as I sized him up from his head to his toes. A ten-gallon, weathered black hat sat atop his head and a worn pock-marked and sun-bleached, denim shirt criss-crossed…

How Things Fall Apart

805805 views33 comments33 favs

The leaves/ seek reunion with the ground// and leave the oak tree naked/ in December’s cold.

How To Build A Drunken Sandwich

12391239 views44 comments44 favs

Kick your employer in the ass. Emotions are strange experiments in honesty.

How To Be A Body

624624 views11 comment00 favs

There's no place like here, this massive legume. Smell the wingéd cold and the wretched streets and the sun that shines through you like a rosy bloom. Don't feel entitled to anything, because you're not. For God's sake (and yours) don't get caught in the caul.The…

How to Be a Conqueror

20022002 views2222 comments1616 favs

The movies he liked best were the ones in which white people played Asian leads. Since his girlfriend had left, that Barry was adopted had seemed to become more of a fact.