by Darryl Price
A friend of mine is killing me
With all of her lies. If I die tonight, you can bet it's
Because of her. A friend of mine
Is killing me with those lit eyes like
Twin pyramids holding up her rambling
Blue skyline. Look I don't have to
Explain her choice in eyeliner
Graphics to you. She's made her own choices, I've made mine
The observation in words into a
Cartoon strip of my own. A friend
Of mine is killing me with her
Humanitarian aid to
Hungry refugees half a whole
World away. She will wear the same
Sandals she showed me her feet in,
The same hair style she grew older
In, the same cute lisp she introduced
To me her boyfriend in. A friend
Of mine is killing me with her
Hawaiian pronouncement that
Sharks are considered sacred to
The island peoples. If I die
Don't let them kill anything on
My behalf. A friend of mine is,
Let's get down to it, not showing
All the love that is in her heart, who is?
Is it you? A friend of mine is
Killing me by not showing up
To the poetry event, but
Coming into my orbit much
Later looking like someone in
Need of just me as a real true friend, like
Someone with a case of the lamo
Excuses. I sure hope I don't catch
It. I can't afford to be so
boring. I'm sorry. Is that too crunchy for you
and cruel? Well so is skipping
the heart event aimed directly
at yours. A friend of mine's killing
me. Shit. Shit. Shit. A friend of mine's
killing me without any fair warning.
A friend of mine is killing me
And I certainly complain I
Guess a lot about it. A friend
Of mine is killing me, one day
You'll be dead, too. A friend of mine
Is killing me — it is so easy
To lose faith in whatever's out there,
Outside of the machines that is. A friend of
Mine stood on a hill and laughed in
My direction because she felt
Superior and to this day
Is still killing me. A friend of
Mine is killing me like LSD, slipped
Into my punch. Like the nothing
Taste of astronaut food paste. Like a
Beautiful bright lemon. Like a little art
Band. Like a florescent small town lamp.
Like when the plum fell into the
Child's lacy outstretched hands and fingers and somehow rolled into the gutter anyway.
Like the unlikeliness of true to form garden
Lilies. Like so many shallow uniformed
Men selling their souls for sex. Like the light
From a tall window suddenly
Gone over. The just a baby
Nude on a sunken horse's broke back. Like let's say the
Tax collector in kaki shorts too big
For his hairy legs. Like the glittering
Wet wings of an early morning
Moth. You know the ones. Like Chinese
Crackers. Like green eyes with a certain sad lost
Look, the kind that freezes you as you cough in mid-air.
Bonus piece:
Another ZOO Story/from a blog by Darryl Price at the Olentangy Review
for Pat Pujolas
A gorilla is a being, a very special being, if I'm not mistaken, an animal
being, an endangered being that as far as we know is unique to this Earth
alone. The problem is that a gorilla is not a Human being, therefore he or
she can be murdered in order to protect the children of humans. Some say, sadly,
that there was just no way to know how this particular animal was going to
react in the long run to having his environment being invaded by a human child
or to being tranquilized by a high-powered dart gun in the process, so naturally a
violent death was called for by the authorities in charge. We must always show these
unpredictable creatures who is superior and who is not before they start thinking that they
might want to live in any kind of real freedom of expression without getting our
permission first. Sound familiar? Racism, bigotry, Fascism, sexism, species-ism? Let me explain. This morning on
the TV news I heard a usually somewhat sane lady newscaster saying, “The child must
always be protected.” Maybe so. I guess. That sounds right. But what bothered me was
the bluntness of her pronouncement going out over the airwaves like a dictatorial pogrom, and
there was simply zero compassion in her voice for the poor dead gorilla (who she
didn't even mention)—who certainly didn't ask for any of this. Did this animal want
to die for a kid's mistake? He lived 17 years before he was killed for the slide of a
child into his home. How many years have you already lived where you are now without having to pay the ultimate price
for someone else's trespass? Would a bullet in the head make you a better person
for it? He had a name. He had a home. There were those who cared
if he lived or he died. He will be missed. Mourned even. All right, so
admittedly it's a great big terrible situation all around, and I'm sure the overwhelmed mother
feels deservedly awful inside about the whole senseless ordeal that her little wandering off boy
has caused in the civilized world today, but let me ask you this, did that
particular gorilla have a right to his own particular feelings on that day? Will you allow
that he even had his own set of genuine feelings at the time of the
awful incident, not just instincts? Are the feelings of a gorilla's life, even a captured
one, at least important to the gorilla? Was his heart in the right place at
the wrong time? What's a gorilla to do? What would you do? I'm not asking
Jesus, like those bumper stickers say to do, I'm asking you. And, believe me, I get it.
There are no easy answers here. Everybody's a victim here and make no mistake, the
Zoo, the keepers, the parents, the animals, the public. All the easy answers make me
feel uneasy, queasy, but we are supposed to be the good shepherds, for good or for
bad, of all the creatures around us. We do seem to have a responsibility to
them and for them. They are not just for our amusements. Or are they? I
guess that's the real question here, just who in the world are we? Do tell.
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I don't understand the choices we make especially when there's another one right in front of us that contains at least the chance for some shared joy in living. People are lazy, I get that, but do they also have to be insensitive and self-defeating? I'm always extending my hand because people are always asking me for help, but nine times out of ten the offer is never taken up. This creates sadness, I can tell you. It makes the world a harsh reality. Why do we do this? Is it so hard to be vulnerable in the moment? It doesn't define you forever. Only forever defines you forever.
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Haha, synchronicity again, this has things in common with my latest.
I know that look.*
A primer of the imagination.
Reading along, amused and amazed, and of a sudden knocked down gasping, for no discernible reason, by this: "... Like the light From a tall window suddenly Gone over." I remain stunned and awestruck. *
Especially like The Plum Fell, DP. Really like the motion in this piece.
There's something very compelling about this, Darryl,I keep coming back to it. I especially like the repetitions and the haunting rhythm.
So much feeling here.
Thank you all so much.
Meaning and feeling conveyed here with confident certainty. Also, sadness only somewhat disguised by playfulness. I love all of it, but that last line is really something. "Really something" is, like, my highest compliment. That line is brand new. I know I've never read it anywhere. Thanks.*
like someone with a case of the lame excuse.
Man, oh man.
The plum fell and you pierced it with your arrow.*
Dianne,Emily and Tim--I appreciate you, you inspire me.