Stories tagged time

The Inheritance

2121 views22 comments00 favs

And her mother’s question, ‘why do you take a paternal view, seeking to update those who came before us, when it is we who are the children of them’

McCloud & Bridey's Time Machine

2020 views22 comments00 favs

Not only was there movement in the heavens but amongst the static things cemented to the structure of the earth. Bridey described the shadows in their circling, constant, day and night circling, like expanded or foreshortened ghosts of real things.

The End of Février

22872287 views1111 comments66 favs

She got the day wrong. It was one of her usual mistakes, getting the day wrong. A Wednes for a Tues. Or a 5th for a 6th. Sometimes it took her until afternoon to realize it. Which probably meant that it didn’t make much of a difference anyway.


171171 views99 comments66 favs

..Life pivoted.

The Statue of a Writer

22742274 views44 comments11 fav

As I sat down finally, finally to write, some brooding heretical hour of the night, with my ballpoint in hand, poised to blot page, Time gathered momentum, although I did not age...

In The Time Of Light

4747 views00 comments00 favs

Seventeen millennia ago the last creature on Earth gasped its final breath in the putrid atmosphere and died, alone.


18941894 views1111 comments77 favs

We all build portraits, meaning we all try to encapsulate and thus punctuate time. Why? Because, who among us can swallow eternity whole?

The Microseconds

9494 views1212 comments44 favs

Only now, I realize it wasn’t wise to date multiple women simultaneously.

Not Another Day In The Machine.

10351035 views00 comments00 favs

I A sparklerman zig-zagged across the skies, re-arranging stars in its path. How bright his stick-like and jaggy limbs twinkle, I noticed; even noticing my surprise. No longer 'simply sitting', I was. 'It is time' I mumbled. The room was melting, si


16391639 views11 comment00 favs

The sun browbeat me relentlessly, like a one-eyed judge with an unforgiving heart.

Arborist Abridged

12521252 views55 comments00 favs

Besides, that might have been the area of his birth, and if so, Jacob was now the director, priest, pallbearer, driver, and custodian of a hometown funeral


3636 views00 comments00 favs

There are cat whiskers grazing my face. I can’t open my eyes. I slide my hand under the sheets. It’s cool there. An impression. This is where she would be.

A Love Letter to Norwich, England

16101610 views00 comments00 favs

The number 25 double-decker bus threads its way through the narrow two-lane streets. Coughing and burping without a hint of embarrassment, it carries us from the train station, with its cheerful round clockface and neat front of red brick, over the weepin

Alternate Timelines

13411341 views00 comments00 favs

Physicists say that a tremendous amount of energy has to be generated in order to rip through space-time, to jump to another place, and at this time, we're incapable of doing it. I have to disagree. They've never met my brain. I fear it's going to kill me

Boy Got Big

9090 views44 comments00 favs

Just three or four seconds ago you were in a Power Rangers costume and you needed me to wipe your nose. This is a nice surprise but the transition is awkward and a bit painful.