41 0 0
The village is quiet.
The moon kisses the sun.
1035 2 0
A rock group named Stuck Gas Pedal. Another named Tweezer. A group of young punk-rockers wearing neckerchiefs named Mein Kampfire. But wait, there’s more.
A song called “We Were Being Facetious,” co-written by them all.
Lost Flyswatter. That
163 18 15
The four wore summer frocks and sandals
1490 4 2
When you finally got blood from the hard stick
You spotted the backflash of red
And said Thank God. The woman’s legs and arms
Were everywhere, and you were in the middle
Holding her down with one hand while wielding
A butterfly in the other. You stuc
2681 4 3
~our silly cosmology of visceral pleasure~
1406 8 2
“What are you doing after this?” I asked, faking a self confidence I didn’t truly posses at fifteen. I didn’t seem to realize that I wasn’t old enough for any of the clubs they’d go to. I’d heard that fans sometimes followed the band to an after-party.
608 12 8
Once upon a time there was a large rock. It wasn't anywhere near the size of even a small boulder, and at the same time much too big to be any sort of pebble. And so it was simply a large rock, which the rock thought was just fine. …
1031 6 6
He can’t enlarge the rock—/
can only find its safest distance
131 18 16
If I pour long-winded cries on himand inhale these rocks easilymingled with whiskey sour breath but uneasy, willour thin containing still unfurl these sails?
1087 11 7
Jimi and Janis remain fierce and beautiful
1306 6 5
There is an empty space,
between every note in rock 'n' roll,
where they have buried John Bonham,