4 3 0
We met every other Tuesday in a dimly lit conference room at Woods Memorial Library. Over lemonade and pecan sandies, we doled out notices for CC&R violations – a garbage can left on the curb longer than two days, a yard overrun with little mallows,
1661 27 11
As soon as she left, I sat down at the computer. Booted up. Read my e-mail, then looked at pictures of bare-naked ladies.
96 7 2
Mom was a crazy spiritual type...
136 5 1
I jumped in the cab and headed to the airport. My flight to LA was in an hour. As I headed for the door, a mad dash really, I knocked over a tabletop sculpture of Dante that a friend bought for my wife and I in Florence the year before.…
167 9 2
I bought my girlfriend a basket of breadfruit for her 21st birthday. “What's all this jackfruit doing on the table?” she asked. “And why are there candles stuck in them?” “Breadfruit,” I said, smiling. …
1245 3 1
I suggested a threesome for her birthday. In jest, I thought. But here we are; me in my checkered Oxford, Katie in her red silk blouse, as planned. We're at this sushi place at the corner of 9th and Bentham. “Zuma.” I hate this restaurant, to tell you the…
1158 9 4
Take no form or face beautiful enough to cause warfare, or that which would provoke inanimate objects to song. If a tree wishes to flower in your presence, request that this happen very slowly.
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When I was a child, before, there was a man who told my mother one day he owned half the place on Fayette Street. That was the first time I smelled Jim Beam on a stranger’s breath.
1004 4 1
The second time I watched him, I helped him carry her to the woods. [100 words].
1253 4 4
If Single Stroke Seven were a cocktail, it would be a Bloody Mary made of one part Worcestershire sauce, the other part gas station vodka, and ketchup and hot sauce packets swiped from fast food joints. Chill with ice crystals chiseled off freezer walls,
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Imagine this: One day you are walking down the street (wearing your protective mask, of course, the cloth one you bought the other day because you liked the color and design) when, by chance, you happen upon a strange sight.