Stories tagged problems

Bland, weak, spoiled, slaughtered

19671967 views33 comments77 favs

Their wedding gift to us was a night out with them and tonight was the night. But, you see, Rali and Kate had so much more to offer us than we could ever think to register for. They were giving us an exclusive guide on how to live as an up and coming coup

Nevertheless The Plan Was Not Implemented

21212121 views77 comments55 favs

Thomas Friedman was right when he said, “Much of this biodiversity in Indonesia is now under threat.” It had been this way since gasoline became currency; I remember bartering with The Governance for the newest edition of The Guinness Book of

Universal Theory #1: the 3-Step Secret to a Good Life

3434 views00 comments00 favs

1. Think up problems that don’t exist 2. Realize, suddenly, that they don’t exist 3. Elation

Rent a DNA

10641064 views00 comments00 favs

“Yo, Paciorek. Lend me your DNA, cuz I left mine on the farm, and I have a test tomorrow,” Feller ordered in a commanding voice, because he had gumption.

Being In Love Is For High Schoolers Or Middle Aged Divorcees

14231423 views66 comments44 favs

But who am I kidding. We aren’t in love. Being in love is for high schoolers or middle aged divorcees exploring their sexuality. Our love is real, sweaty, backwards, forwards, angry, trusting. We love as you only can after seeing someone at their best and