Stories tagged poetry


230230 views1212 comments55 favs

my people of shrinking ambitionbeg at least the respectof a grave barring thata memory barring thatyou learned my people who say liberty are calledingrates who askequalityare called parasites my people who cry brotherdie seven deaths my people are Abel's…

Red Noise

189189 views44 comments22 favs

I.dearly departed we aregathered here a pileof prosthetic limbs onthe white house lawnII.the world went madaround me and Itried to stay sanelearn from the mistakeIII.bathwater babe…


14631463 views22 comments22 favs


The Price of Empire

11201120 views22 comments11 fav

I saw three kids the other day, two girls and a boy, crouched in conspiracy

An Irrational Poem

12251225 views22 comments11 fav

Hollywood is the land of the slow no.

Bundle of Nerves

911911 views00 comments00 favs

Testing how well he navigates She didn't think he would find it

The End of the World

16101610 views88 comments1010 favs

I find driftwood, long, smooth logs washed up on the beach, drag them to dunes still wet from the sea...

No words.

2121 views00 comments00 favs

No words today, almost.Sitting here with my mouth full and mylips pressed tightly together,alone and very muchon my own.

My child.

3838 views00 comments00 favs

his big Pinocchio nose, and how he shoots the lions and tigers with his white wood trim

Weeping Cherry, beside a Pond, with Koi

22 views00 comments00 favs

This is the beginning

No. It's not about you.

967967 views33 comments44 favs

expectation and hope are the most painful elements of being an aging crush-er. the realization that there are a finite number of people in this world that are potential partners - and they all seem to pairing up with every beat of my lonely

selections from Haywire Odes

399399 views77 comments33 favs

Exhibits A - M


903903 views11 comment11 fav

Fish don't walk.

The I-Penis

715715 views22 comments11 fav

You’ll end bar-hopping once and for all You’ll never leave the house Steve took this one with him to the grave because he knew nerds everywhere would stop speaking to him Yes, that’s right, it’s the magnificent new I-Penis with built-in 10 m


18291829 views2121 comments2020 favs

She watched an inky cloud suck all the color / from the trees.