Stories tagged poetry

Oh, Hell

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Spike Lee, caped like Zorro, struts over the threshold, his left arm draped around Lina Wertmuller. Lina feeds a dog-eared copy of Swept Away By An Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of August into his mouth

Love and How It Gets That Way

936936 views1111 comments99 favs

and we spun you, / spun you!

Oh, Hell

239239 views1414 comments44 favs

Bob Marley stands too close to you, a red-eared slider perches like a yarmulke on his head. He speaks through lips dangling a massive spliff, “Do not lose your head, mon, you are not really here.”

Descent to Fern and Moss

66 views00 comments00 favs

Our bodies tender heat in darkness, damp with sweat to oil each stroke in slow caress; beyond our glow the buried deliquesce. We are the flame held captive in the lamp.

I Draw a Map

16721672 views1212 comments77 favs

I draw your location on my thighs. It takes up both legs; it’s far. I think about showing you but something comes up. The phone rings. I tell her I don’t want to donate to the PBA.

Word of the Day

224224 views77 comments66 favs

“I've developed a strong yen for passionate sex with someone other than you," said Alice to her husband Tom as she turned the car into the parking lot of the local Dairy Queen...

I Like It

149149 views2525 comments1818 favs

My skeleton, mine all mine


264264 views2626 comments1111 favs

And the shade could still dissolve her shadow...

a confession

893893 views00 comments00 favs

a pit-bull or a rottweiler or something like that

At My Window

99 views1111 comments11 fav

like a rope or chain or ribbon of breath

The Night Shore

3838 views11 comment00 favs

Somniloquies rise like the drowned their lungfuls of air ripple as indecipherable a vision translucent as halite in opaque huelessness the night of it meandering breath is the sea rote I float to the pupil wade the green iris shut in its eyelid …

My Bed Loves Me

14841484 views1212 comments77 favs

Above-board, we sail

The Forgotten Puppeteer

9595 views22 comments11 fav

The fretting hand sought/ half-tone increments lost in the dreams of reason-- I threw my arms into the air while you stopped me/ cold fire fanning at the corner of the room.

First Lesson (Mother Tongue Series)

10101010 views33 comments11 fav

I used to see kids at the mall with those extendable "kid leashes". Like the ones made for chihuahuas. Like the ones made to squash a good story, you know...

Based on Origins (Mother Tongue)

12961296 views33 comments11 fav

I almost forgot. Her nipples taste like that syrup from a can of peaches. The kind you aren’t supposed to eat if you are 18 or older. The kind that adds baggage to the hips and I’m certainly not about to take out an insurance policy on my ass.